
Favorite Adventure Game of all time. Still play it once a year or so.

I see happy carefree girls and I think wow, what limitless futures!

Michael Cera needs to try a new role. Or, failing that, a new career.

I would have gone to see it - if Scott Pilgrim was played by *anybody* other than that one-trick pony known as Michael Cera.

Virtual Boy. Those two words shouldn't be uttered together again in the game industry.

@minusX: Not quite either of those - more like "screw publishers for wasting valuable dev resources (read: money) on meaningless gloss that has no effect on the value or playability of the product."

@Saxifridge: And I'm partial to in-engine cinematics because I'm a 3D artist and a game developer.

Really beautiful stuff.

Prerendered trailers mean nothing to me. NOTHING. Not hating, happy to wait for actual footage, but my policy is and has been for a long time - no in-engine, who cares? It is like looking at some CG marketing guy's demo reel.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: My (feeble) joke was to imply that no amount of used Madden games would be worth $60,000.

@TaylorEatWorld: They need to follow suit with Amazon and stop the practice of allowing reviews pre-release.

"The "real killer," ExRTW writes, was the business model, a decision that was "out of the team's hands."

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: As long as different doesn't mean things like FFXIII, I'm with you!

@MetalSonic7: Turned off the PSP? Because of the ads? Nothing could turn me against this system that didn't involve games. It has an absolutely killer library of very replayable games.