This thread is absolutely hilarious internet comedy.
This thread is absolutely hilarious internet comedy.
@The_Red_Spectacle: is a pretty awesome (semi)political game. And it seems to have stuck, still around and still mentioned from time to time. Naturally, since it is what it is, the developer can't make money off of it in an y regular release type way.
@Nintendocrazed: True - I think he was more direct in his "dick" statement than his "total prick" statement.
@Mokon: This is one of the more insightful comments in this article - kudos!
While I do believe he thinks Bobby Kotick is a "total prick", he doesn't DIRECTLY call Bobby Kotick a "total prick" as the article title would have you believe.
@Malice Blackhart: We have some, but we need to take lobbying as seriously as other industries if we want the same kind of consideration they get. And by "consideration," I mean "sleazy political favoritism"
Depressing graph of the day: seen.
@Brett Haines: Not only was that purely unconstitutional and therefore deemed unenforceable - it was pushed through by Blagojevich - a criminal douchebag.
@Cheater87: Nice.
@Poppa Herb: 95% and we are in agreement.
@Malice Blackhart: If this goes through, we can blame the game industry itself for not being the lobbyist little whores (enough) that pretty much every other entertainment industry is and has been for a long time.
@Culebra: That's Yamaoka-san to us mortals.
Well, to me, it looks (visually! I'm setting aside his verbal delusions of grandeur aka statements like "fully programmed in 4D") like he's simply representing the 4th dimension with the ability to "pause" solidity of the objects to move them to "better" positions and then "unpause" their solidity so they are solid…
@Ash Paulsen: Amended: he's correct about the iPad.
@SJRNWT: :) nice.
He's kind of a techno-ignorant luddite.
Ice 9? Is this a Vonnegut tie-in?
@dajungki: How about a 40-hour game that has you enthralled and engrossed every moment?
@Batman: Absolutely, I played Oblivion for 80 hours - not exactly an RPG in the sense of the term as used by the original poster, but the point is valid - if the game is a dense and fun experience, I want more more more even after 80 hours.
I think the Miis are creepy, personally. Remember in Animal Crossing CF how they let you use your Mii instead of your usual AC character head.