
@Jonn: YES - I want Pyramid Head LBP guys!

@Vecha: Why they don't?

@nick111: That was a "good platformer" then a comma, then throwbacks - and IMO - one of the best PSP games ever :)

I shudder at the description of one of the 3 best PSP games EVER being referred to as:"some Final Fantasy VII spin-off (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)"

Big suprise - they are creative gods.

@Shrewsbury: Sure, I'd certainly like to hear your interperetation.

@ghost4: Agreed. SotC is no more art than Final Fantasy ## or Super Mario Galaxy.

@Shrewsbury: Can you elaborate on this? I can't find any reference to it on google.

@Ben Nadler: Hah - grand discussion, huh? I thought this was just the internet...

@Cow: The person of course :) And FYI - I actually don't like cats much, am more of a dog person.

@tetracycloide: Yeah, I'm sure this guy was living a double life and his past was a big secret.

@kiva: Kudos to mom for having the guts to call the police. The kids saw that too, hopefully they will take the better of the two lessons to heart.

@Veit: Well said.

@ntereycelogy: Agreed. Keep this asshole away from animals, please.

@Cow: The more defenseless the victim, the higher the outrage.

@relic1980: None of that even matters. He committed a crime in her living room. She did the right thing regardless of the long-reaching implications of his behavior.I'd love it if he'd rot in jail, but he wont.

@Koztah: I love the idea!

Sorry, but when people are working 90+ hours per week and making $0.83 / hr - that's a sweatshop by my standards.

They should throw Daxter on there while they are at it.PS - awesome game, maybe one of PSPs 3 bests (FFVII CC and Hot Shots Golf being my other 2)