@stranger: Wow, and you are throwing fanboy stones, eh?
@stranger: Wow, and you are throwing fanboy stones, eh?
@undefined: Ugh, is "beat me to it" becoming the new "first!"?
@undefined: Everyone's an expert on death, let's put away the yardsticks.
@Busting makes Mister Jack feel good: Post of the week.
Based on that opening paragraph, it sounds like you are implying that art may become less art, once it has been placed in a video game. Are our prejudices that strong???
@B33: I came over from Gamespot when Gerstmann got fired - the rest is history, since I like Kotaku way more than Gamespot (plus I don't read reviews anymore, just news.)
Free Realms!
Is it twisted that I read the title and thought of South Park?
@Pentex: I thought I was the only one who didn't get that.
@NyappyHeroism: Nice - that took relatively little effort on your part, too.
@A Pimp Named DaveR: This game is surprisingly - great. Very pleasant, much easier to jump in and out of than WoW (in which I spent a year of my life BTW)
I was wondering why the math sounded wrong - that should say "590,000 video games shipped each month..." not per year.
@beetnek: Thirded. And a shout out to M.U.L.E. (while I'm being nostalgic)
@engagequadlaser: Really classy hate-speech there.
@JessMeNU: I read your old post but I am not sure what you called - was it just that Capcom is a big greedy corp? Because if so - congrats, I guess.
@SteamPunkJin: "I disagree with the principle of having to connect to the internet to finish a single player game."
@Komrade Kayce: For a Prinny-Free Kotaku.: I kind of disagree - in my humble opinion, the best April Fools jokes are the heart-wrenching ones that nobody realizes are jokes until a few days later and causes huge strife all across the internets.
Hm. Radio. What's going on with that radio?
@Kenny: That is what I am complaining about - I want my Jak/Sly stuff to keep coming like Ratchet has.
@GuyThreepwood: Developers sharing expertise helps gamers greatly. Believe it!