
In other words: "Since you customers are a bunch of whiny babies who don't know as well as we do, we are going to have to turn around and do the right thing. Don't blame us when we decide to stop making PC games."

Whether or not Rare is relevant, corporate statements like this are not.

@Clamchop: Not even that complicated - I am sure that Rage auto-assembles the textures up to a "quilt" of that size. This is just a technobabble snow job if you ask me.

This is actually one of the best games ever made. (If you like plot-based games, adventure games.)

@That Boy Baked: You aren't confusing the Inquirer with the Enquirer are you?

Wow, I so had enough of the LBP hype a LOOONG time ago. They need to shut their traps until the game comes out.

Could we please just get the game? Different LBP promo every week is getting to be a bit much.

I read the headline and thought this was an article about the Pumpkins.

Wow - all you guys ripping on RickyTV's reading comprehension need a lesson in subtlty.

@Reibooi: I hope you meant to say "it's very difficult to enjoy a game *with* a 12 year old yelling insults..."

Another great Gamasutra feature - sadly, I agree that shorter, cheaper and less immersive games are a trend that is here to stay.

"I know the game is only $15, but for $15 I could go pick up a copy of one of the earlier, longer adventures and replay that instead."

@AngelMayLaugh: Sorry, I couldn't see past the two chicks close to the camera. Granted.

So.... after all that Gears has done for gaming, and god knows how much cash he makes - those chicks are the best he can find to pose with? Sad.

Nothing beats that pic of M Night Shyamalan playing like some sort of spastic gimp though.

Ico 3: All chainy and holey.

This is exactly why the 16 year old slutty girls of yesterday are the 12 year old sluts of today.

Ys book I & II was the first game I stayed up all night playing. It was also the very night I bought my TG-16 CD attachment.

@adocious: How ironic - "adocious has no friends." Bummer for you.

If this game has less context-sensitive controlling, I am in. That was what was so sweet about the first one - you had to get damn skilled at it.