Wild Turkey Surprise

It had the cadence of a joke!

He drove a Walmart to St. Paul and left a drummer on the bus?

I bet this incident sticks with him for a long time.

Yeah it was great, and became so weirdly unnerving by the end.

Agreed in full.

You win

I'll stay in the shadows.

Fuck yes

It looks good; maybe I'll see it opening night.

They say "Scientology" and "true crime" as if they're separate categories.

Why would I carry on? Sheesh.

Shaw, classy as ever.

Carter should be brought up on charges for that last season.

This occurred to me too.

It's almost the very first thing we see in Part One of this season, too.

They're worried about spoilers.


I liked Arrested Development in its original run, but I don't think I saw every episode. I too started a rewatch a couple weeks ago, and I'm halfway through S3. It cracks me up endlessly. I'm a sucker for plays on words, so naturally this show has me rolling.

You just made me look up the word "anhedonic". Thanks! If I'd bothered with the etymology, I could have figured it out but I wanted to look it up.

Broad City is hilarious, and I enjoyed blazing through the first two seasons. But by the time I started catching up with S3, I felt like I'd seen enough. It just doesn't seem like a show that's built to run long, and that's fine. Lately I've been cutting down heavily on my TV watching, I just don't care much about