Wild Turkey Surprise

Yeah, isn't there a…..uh…..statue of limitations?

*Trump zips away in helicopter, CNN headline "He's Fleein' The Scene!" appears*

Dear God please let it be every last fucking one of them.

Yeah but only one has a legit unicorn cave.

That would be my Infinite Jest.


The Republican Party


My best wishes to you. I hope things get better. This is truly a great community where one can receive support!

I didn't know that about her and McGowan, that's great. Can you provide a link?

And of course, controversy aside, what did we find out? She was right.

Mentioned it above but yeah I'm a big fan of Faith and Courage and it is an album that means a lot to me due to personal stuff.

Upvoted as a show of support.

It's dope but I always go to bat for "Faith and Courage" which is my favorite and, perhaps ironically, was something I listened to a lot during a really bad breakdown I had many years ago. To this day when I listen to it I'm reminded of what that time was like for me but in a good way - I'm reminded that I survived

That was my first thought too. Sounds like he maybe wrote it around that time.

Not enough.

Cancer is still a thing, so….yeah.

I saw "Colossal" and it fucking ROCKED. I had fairly high hopes but it exceeded them in every way.

Baby Driver was dope and Edgar Wright continues to excel.

On the personal crisis front: hope all is well now. Best wishes to you!