Wild Turkey Surprise

Welcome to the jungle

I'm a massive Lynch acolyte and Twin Peaks is basically the center of my universe right now but yeah, last week's episode was downright disappointing. It had some moments - the Sarah stuff was gold - but this was the first time I just couldn't go to bat for the new series. It was dull.


I'm gonna reverse the other poster's rec and say get on to "Trouble Every Day" and "The Intruder" right away. I'm a bigger fan of the former but the latter is also dope.

Upvoted for Steely Dan.

Did you not see "Zero Dark Thirty"? It was a…..laugh riot.

Enemy is fucking rad.

My partner and I play almost every weekend (one on one) and what we do is use three sets of cards: the OG ones, some 1990s set, and I think the third is more geared towards pop culture. In fact, we are just about to start a game. Anyway I sometimes struggle with the drink questions too (and I drink like a maniac) but

I look for a lot more than knowledge and competence when I'm recruiting.

*Jeeves comes out as trans woman, ruins your theory*

Yeah I live in Southern California and I only wish I was not surrounded by piles of people who voted for Trump.

That's a very illustrative story.

But in the OG set of cards, the category is Sports and Leisure and there's tons of questions about alcoholic drinks, so if you're a booze fan you always have a chance!

Dear God.

I doubt they are still making new ones, but when I joined my employer seven years ago, I used one a little (not for navigation though).

Check out "The Piano Teacher" and "Amateur" for sure!

Author made a HUGHES mistake.

The Brave One was awful.

And hey, he turned out to not be terrible

She was uber-competent when operating in her normal realm; that's ostensibly why she was chosen for the team. But after that, not even naivete realistically explains her constant failure to appreciate and accurately assess what's going on around her. For me, the prime example of this is the shootout on the packed road