Wild Turkey Surprise


Damn where you seeing movies for $6.45?

It underscores how uncomfortable he gets talking to people. He's a little introverted to begin with and prefers to just vibe to music; because of the tinnitus he doesn't converse much so he resorts to quick quotes in hopes of getting by. It's an important character trait, he's not just tossing out verbal Easter eggs.

Agreed in full on #1, my gf and I talked about that exact thing upon leaving the theater.

Wake me when he passes any kind of test.

You are…..about to watch The Wire S4?

I have always hated Jamie Foxx because he seems insanely narcissistic. He radiates self-importance in every direction. In fact, even though I thought he was solid in Baby Driver, I was talking to my partner on the way home from the theater about this exact thing.

I haven't seen "Chopper" in ages but it makes you wonder what happened to Bana.

Remove the music from BABY DRIVER, and you have Bourne. You have Fast & The Furious with a bit more charm and a bit less machismo.

Right there with ya

That's as strong a rec as I could get! Thanks.

Really? They might be the single most name-checked non-famous band in the history of rock. If you mean commercial success, sure, but in terms of pure props I'm hard-pressed to think of someone I've heard mentioned more (again, non-famous bands) as an influence/trendsetter/etc. And this is going on 20+ years of it.

I have almost no familiarity with pop music these days, and when I first heard about LDR at the beginning of her career (see the above-linked article about her apparently disastrous appearance on SNL) I ignored her like I do most.

Yes, there's a separate word for a female performer. No, I do not think it's always necessary that it be used.

I want this version to become real and I want Iron Maiden to record it.

The Host is amazing, I can't recommend it enough.

It's not even close. Billy Bob pretty much steals S1 but for me there wasn't much else to dig. I loved everything and everyone in S2.

This next death that I'm about to report on…is my own!

Yeah, in no world are he and Watts somehow in the same league.

I just finished S3 a couple days ago. I wasn't in a hurry because I wasn't all that invested in anything that was going on. For my money, S2 stands far above 1 and 3.