Wild Turkey Surprise

I grew up in Minnesota. Even the phrase "blue laws" takes me back. I remember when shopping malls couldn't be open on Sunday. I say drink up.

It's been ages since I saw Night of the Hunter but the image of Shelly Winters underwater is etched into my mind.

What have you seen of Bong Joon-ho's work prior to this, and what did you think of it? I'm curious because I love him and am looking forward to this one, and your criticisms - not to dismiss them - don't really faze me because it seems his movies are almost intentionally messy. And I (usually) only hate the world on

If I had to name a favorite Spielberg movie, it would have to be Close Encounters. I loved Tinker Tailor, it was such a patient & detailed movie.

In this shadow, you shall conquer.

Sadly that sounds all too perfect for the times.

Me: "So then blue landers says - "

Chinese guy? Wait until the black and the pregnant show up!

Not enough, I'm sure.

I really hope he eventually does a cameo in one of these.

Put on Soundgarden's "Superunknown". Cue up track 13.

Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
Jenny & Johnny - I'm Having Fun Now
The Hold Steady - Teeth Dreams
Tool - Lateralus

*eats an extra Baconator in your memory*

No joke, so did I.

You are sooooo good-lookin'.

I use all of those to varying degrees, and it's really dependent on the person but never patronizing. "Boss" is a tip of the cap, sometimes I say it to people who are literally my boss and sometimes it's co-workers who are on my level but I respect them - we all get it. "Champ" is more towards a younger person whom

Someone here said the other day that the worst way anyone had introduced themselves was "They call me 'Ace'". I totally agree.

One of my favorite Smiths songs, just perfect.

I'm a huge Rilo Kiley fan, and "Silver Lining" (which is great) is one of the few RK songs that Jenny plays at her live shows now. It's a treat.

"The Mother We Share" is awesome and at the time was probably my favorite new song in about five years' time.