
Wow. I thought I had seen it all. Blackface. Redface. And whiteface. All in one. He’s either the most racist motherfucker I’ve ever seen. Or he just hates everyone... equally.

Interesting... Ever since a very serious stubbing accident when I was four, my left big toe became my dominant toe, but my right foot is still my dominant foot. Even though I am now 38, I still don’t know how far I can punt a football.

I guess he literally wanted to be Chucky’s Grinder of the game.

This wasn’t missed. It’s another reason not the watch the NFL. This was deliberately not called. Not a fan of either team, but just saying this because it was so obvious.

Good Kinja or a Samer troll?

I do to... and I always pull the goalie.

Cleveland Browns players get paid... right?

Having your worst commenter bring this up on Kinja is fucking idiotic. Just because he talked a big game at the water cooler yesterday on break makes it doubly so.

I’m pretty sure that his argument is that there was no force involved and that she fucked him, his friends and any other guy that had money or was connected to money. Right or wrong, there is a lot of gray area here.

Stop with the clown stories, please, and get back to sports.

Username = your party. Thank you for being honest. Have fun at the KKK rally this weekend where “God” is on your side. When you are done molesting your cousins and abusing good honest people for the color of their skin, please eat my fat dick. Bitch.

I says that she rejected 1.5 million plus $50,000 to keep quite. She asked for 2 million, but it doesn’t say anything about extra money to sign an agreement for keeping quite... to be fair.

No they sieve out.

Natty’s Ice... I will be honest, I don’t remember the taste, but I do remember the “bad” hangover. There are about a half dozen hangovers in my 24 years of hard drinking that I remember vividly. I’m not talking your pissy assed “I’m too sick to go to work” hangovers. Fuck that, just slam a pint of water with a sudafed

Free speech doesn’t apply at a private company... er... well since they are paid to play... er... well... since Nebraska makes money from their football team to pay for other.... awww fuck it.

Who cares. Two 2-2 teams. SEC is overrated

Now playing

This guy technically doesn’t have a hearing problem, but when there are a lot of noises all together....

No, this is the first person who was struck by him as that type of guy.

I bet you are fun at... no, my bad... you don’t go to parties.

Holy shit. Did all of the PFT commenters move over to Kinja today? Or is this the result of the recent “great following” and everyone getting out of the grays?