
Season 5 could be a bit of a slog at times but “sucks” is too strong. Narratively, the characters all seem to be heading towards one another again so should pick back up. I haven’t read books 4 and 5 yet, and season 5 hasn’t really made me want to pick them up. Perhaps this is why the show runners decided to plow

True, but don’t underestimate the power of name recognition. Helpful in the primaries, possibly detrimental in the general as a lot of people have formed a hardened opinion of her over the years. The general is going to be nasty.

Clinton is not a good candidate. Her front-runner status was ordained by party bosses and a bored media declaring it so. In 2008, Obama was able to shatter that facade. In 2016, a 74 year self-declared socialist is giving her fits, too. The people just don’t like her and nothing in her career indicates she’d make a

Agreed...they did alright last year in a tough division. If they felt they needed a franchise QB then it’s a necessary trade.

If the GOP that controls the Congress is doing the far right’s bidding, what does it matter if they toss out moderates?

This is a crappy argument. One that the GOP voters are ignoring, too. For years we’ve been told to “be practical” and “don’t throw away your vote”. I’m sick and tired of it because “being practical” means continuing to do half-measures or nothing at all.

We have a Congress that has gone to extreme right. Putting

In his defense, he’s expected to talk about a sport every night that currently is off-season and try to make it seem exciting. I mean, I use off-season NFL network as background noise.

Interesting. I thought they were going with the race metaphor at first but by the end I was convinced this was more about the danger of singling out any group for political gain. If anything, I thought the film was commenting on how politicians use fear to retain or gain their power. Although, that’s pretty heady

Be careful...I’m not saying it’s a bad TV but I ended up passing. There seems to a big uptick in 1 star reviews for this set and it is a Black Friday version. The reviews mix a lot of different models together (but you can filter them).

Be careful...I’m not saying it’s a bad TV but I ended up passing. There seems to a big uptick in 1 star reviews for

Definitely makes getting out of the seat easier. I never understood why the armrest against the bulkhead doesn’t do the same...would create a little extra room if you wanted it.

They were good, especially for Fox. No doubt it will be back. Only question is when and for how many episodes. Fox is embracing the shortened season model (the 24 reboot is only 13 episodes) so this could easily come back next season as an event series again.

Hopefully it will come back with better material.

I like that...I also have always felt the offense that gets “half the distance” penalties close to their own end zone should have the yard-to-go chains moved forward by the difference...so it’s still 15 more yards for a 1st down.

Please forgive my fellow Washingtonians. A lot of them work in technical arena and think online petitions are a real thing that politicians pay attention to. I blame our referendum system up here, which allows to vote on just about anything with enough signatures. Of course, those are real signatures, not online ones.

Yeah I read the reviews...I didn’t care. I loved just about every minute of it. Supposedly the actors get more into character in next few episodes (it felt very much like a pilot which is kind of strange given these people worked together for close to a decade). The conspiracy theory/mythology of it never made any

Given how rare redzone opportunities were in the game as a whole, going for it was the correct call both times. This is particularly true of the 2 and half minute mark where getting the ball back is reliant on getting a 3 and out against the other team. I liked the 6 minute mark call too. Hey, if the team had executed

So this. Defense is part of the game, too. TD or Safety to win is very fair. Back when a field goal could do it, it was more questionable (good return, couple passes, kick a winning field goal felt wrong). Make them cross the goal line or the other team gets a chance is an extremely good system. Clay Matthews wants

Most of us moderate our fandom up here. That “heartfelt” letter is ridiculous and a prime example of someone who needs to reevaluate their priorities in life, but there is no way any collective group of fans could ever surpass Patriots fans on the insufferable scale.

Sutherland has another series to do (on Fox I think). I fully expect him to show up to help the new guy if this gets picked up to series (after escaping from prison in Russia, of course). Sutherland is listed as an exec producer on the new series.

Agree about Episode II, I actually consider it totally un-watchable at this point. The love story is completely unbelievable. There is zero chemistry between the leads. Did Lucas even screen test them together? When Anakin admits to slaughtering all the sandpeople (“even the women and children”), any sane person would

While I can’t disagree with your assessment, didn’t the only public source for the story re-cant it? I know the reporter said they had another super secret source, but seems like the story was pretty dead by Friday. Sure, if something else comes out I’m sure it’ll be headline news again, but right now you have 1