
Depends on the company, but nothing is mandated except unpaid leave.

Best Vacation I ever took was 3 weeks...and that involved young kids and multiple theme parks. Being off of work an extended period of time is truly relaxing. That being said, that was quite a few years ago and I still haven't managed to string another 3 weeks off in a row since then.

I must always get the other 69% when I fly SWA. I would have said they are the most cramped of them all...

I've noticed hotels with poor tap water tend offer free bottles of water, especially if they cater to business crowd.

I'm confused...are they not allowed to play on turf? Why would you even try to bring in natural grass into a stadium that is mostly enclosed to begin with during the summer, when grass typically dies anyway.

Generally as long as the software keeps getting updated or it breaks. But I'm cheap.

The standard work week is still very much tied to traditional shift work, even though most of us do not work traditional shifts any longer. It's rather ridiculous we are still beholden to it.

"I recently received a promotion at work that included a nice raise". That's all that matters. If you ever leave, "what are you making now" is far more important than what they call you. A lot of companies use titles to make you feel better about being underpaid.

Steam's DRM has competition on the PC, Microsoft's will not on Xbox. Microsoft has had exactly one "fire" sale in 7 years, and that was about two months before they announced backwards compatibility was not happening. Microsoft's online prices typically match (or are higher) than disc at retail. Now, I understand why

Next season is the last so here's hoping. I almost dropped it from the dvr until I heard that. Figure I would ride it out to the bitter end.

Great movie. Mostly because it's so very, very true.

At least you have Internet access! Imagine if you didn't.

Cities can say no, you know. Some actually do it. If it is such a bad deal for cities, why do they do it? And why should federal government stop it? When should they step in? What if the city told the feds to shove it? Take your nanny state nonsense and shove it.

Really? You think the federal government needs to be involved in municipal deals like this? That we all need protection from each other by an omnipresent federal government? Nothing would ever get done if every deal had to wait for federal approval.

Hard to see the interstate part of a deal between a city and a team that is moving there. All transactions would happen in state. The local and state governments might have a concern, but the federal government shouldn't be interested.

Monopolies in and of themselves are not illegal and require heavy regulation. But yes, I guess monopoly status does grant them some oversight. However, I can't imagine why the feds should give one iota about a deal between a sports team and a city.

Municipalities don't need the federal government to protect them from sports franchises. If a deal is good or bad for a city, then they can figure it out for themselves. And their citizens can agree or disagree at the next election cycle.

Thankfully the feds stayed out of this. What possible reason could the Federal Government give in having a hand in determining franchise locations? Campaign contribution shakedowns is the only reason I can think of. And I'm sure the appropriate campaign contributions were given to ensure the bill never made it to a

Apple //c with 512K RAM upgrade. Oh, and remember hole punching disks to use both sides?

When I was in Mexico City in 2011 I was quite surprised by the coverage good old American Football got there. TV coverage even included a redzone type channel. However (and this could be that particular weekend), coverage completely cutoff for the late Sunday afternoon games. Sunday night football was on, though.