
Agreed. The premise was interesting, the execution was awful. Every character talked (and acted) like they were 13. The audio book in particular was overwrought, with the narrator trying to emote all the teen-like angst.

They renewed it because the whole network is in the toilet. The Office would be a bubble show on most other networks and it is their one "hit" comedy. Might as well see if Community can help put some numbers on Friday night. Notice almost all of their returning shows got treated like the new ones, with 13 episode

It depressing really. The reason you get to complain about Fox cancelling all your favorite shows is because they were willing to put them on the first place. The other networks never take as many risks as Fox does and Fox has 1/3rd fewer programming hours to schedule around. Now they are turning into a CBS clone.

The fact they moved two of those episodes back into sweeps is a pretty strong indicator that they do, in fact, care about it. The Friday move by itself was actually quite ingenious. Shows with hardcore fan bases usually bring those fan bases with them to Friday nights. The pairing with Whitney, however, is troubling.

I suspect MIB3 will be the summer's biggest flop. I just don't think anyone cares about it. You can almost hear the theater collectively yawn when the trailer plays.

I didn't say it wasn't smooth, I just don't think it's worth crossing the border to avoid TSA. TSA is generally pretty smooth, too. And flying to the US from the US departures terminal in the Vancouver airport gets your shoes taken off even though there wasn't a TSA uniform to be seen. Winnipeg and Vancouver security

There is nothing "unreasonable" about it. You are consenting to be screened when you purchase the ticket. Yes, most of it is silly and for show. But there has to be some screening done. Or are you advocating going back to the days when you could just walk on the plane with no screening whatsoever?

That certainly would not help. That would mean Canada or Mexico. Canada lets you keep your shoes on if you fly domestically but spends a lot more time looking at your gear in the x-ray machine. Mexico also lets you keep your shoes on, but makes you take out your computer and iPad. Plus, they do random pat-downs at the

Most companies passively "monitor" to protect themselves. They couldn't care less if you shop during a break or update facebook as long as your job is being done. If they did, they would block access to those sites. Just don't do any illegal or blatantly stupid. If you are being actively watched, then you've done

I give the same polite answers I would give an interview as to why I wanted to switch jobs. Usually they do not care why you are leaving unless they suspect there is a bigger problem in your department or group. Most people leave a job for a mix of personal and professional reasons. I did have one HR rep ask me to be

No center screw? This thing isn't going to stay in very long unless you hold it down while removing power cords, especially in older sockets.

I've had people give the same line about accountants saving them tons of cash. And then they start talking about some of the deductions their account "found" for them. These are usually the same ones Turbo Tax will "flag" as audit attractors because chances are, you really shouldn't be taking them. CPAs have to

Look, it's not a good film. But it's not the awful either. It's just kind of there. My kids liked it when they were younglings, which means I had to see it more than once. There are far worse movies and TV aimed at kids. Believe me, compared to a lot of the crap that gets shoveled at them this is practically Citizen

Depends on the 401K provider and plan. Some plans allow loan repayments even if the employee leaves (my last one did). Normally I would still say 401K loans are a bad idea but given that most 401K plans are flat or even down paying yourself an extra 5% isn't such a bad deal.

I thought it was implied that Old Spock "arranged" for Kirk to be made captain in order to try and correct the timeline (as much as it could be corrected). Given what happened to most of the fleet, Star Fleet Command was probably pretty agreeable to most suggestions from a Vulcan from the future.

My main problem with it is these "facts" keep getting changed, revamped, etc. A lot of these "facts" were based on models...models that the actual data keeps showing were inaccurate at best. Heck, even the name changed from "global warming" to "climate change" after the warming leveled off. After the last 10 years,

Library works pretty well. Selection depends on your library. Mine seemed to have mostly newer titles and recent releases. But it appears any e-book they already had was instantly kindlized when the service rolled out last week. You select the e-book, choose "get for kindle", and checkout. When you checkout you are