
like Peter Griffin, when he runs out of double entendres, just says “Sphincter”

born the same year as marina towers, and i just LOL’ed

look at you, all grown up. +1 left foot

this is clearly the take of today. +c

this is good kinja

correct kinja

more golf coverage please. Any kind

fuck, is this great


yeah that’s good

William Atherton trifecta. DIE HARD. GHOSTBUSTERS. THAT VAL KILMER SCIENCE MOVIE. (too lazy to look up)


your “unless” ‘s describe over 90% of why people like horse racing. The rest enjoy the beauty, and the pageantry of the big days

i don’t see a “shotgun formation” quip?

this is the correct take

yeaaahhhh, she hooked her foot. That doesn’t resemble a “broken ankles” play, as much as it looks like an “i got tripped” +++ you can actually see it

longtime listener, longtime poster. These are the rewards we reap. (bravo, really)

how come no one is wondering why an index card was handy, to begin with? They carry those every game?

this might be the perfect THREAD

ummm, did anyone notice the drone thingy official news drone in the corner? Yikes?