
Correct. We would have also accepted Arkansas and Kentucky. Pick a category...

This is the winner

He has secret service protection as a nominee. Had it for a while.


Thank goodness there was no article. Damn dick-bait.

Hey. All this talk made me look up the best national anthem, which is trumpet national anthem. Well guess who was there AND standing along with Jimmy Hard-paw. SF @ CAR 2014 playoffs. Go find it on YouTube. They’d just block it here, anyway.

I got this one.

i thot he used D-Mobile?!

Underrated show. Great voice actors, too.

Are there any related posts? Where can I read more on this subject?

I am calling liberal media bias foul on this one. What does a Trump tweet have to do with this? Originally from Chicago, and can’t believe the graveyard it has become.

This was my IMMEDIATE thought. Am I ok?

What if they go 2 -10 over next 12 games?

That rate is too high. It’s worth something, I guess. When player B was offered it, he jumped on it, and Player A couldn’t negotiate down, in heat of moment/decision?

This is Kinja-correct


I knew what was coming below your comment, but this is the correct take

well this is fine deadspinism ( also known as Kinja ? )

Just a dozen to go. 9/21

When is Ultimate?