Yeah, I kind of expected more from Samantha Bee. The overwhelming majority of people who supported Bernie are firmly planted in Hillary’s camp. But there’s way more focus on the minority who are so Pro-Bernie they’re actually Anti-Bernie.
Yeah, I kind of expected more from Samantha Bee. The overwhelming majority of people who supported Bernie are firmly planted in Hillary’s camp. But there’s way more focus on the minority who are so Pro-Bernie they’re actually Anti-Bernie.
This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi…
Sick Peter Thiel burn.
I’m very liberal-leaning but I have to admit I worry about the impact of the flow of never-ending hardcore porn into the minds of adolescents who, yes, always had hormones driving curiosity, and always sought out Playboys or Playgirls from that curiosity, but now have a flow of the most esoteric and depraved acts…
There is literally nothing he can do that will make a lot of Hillary supporters less crusty. Don’t forget how crusty they were toward Obama in 08 (and ironically, more of his supporters will be voting for her than her supporters who voted for Obama.)
Bernie pulled the party platform significantly to the left. This was a big accomplishment, and something that means a lot to those of us that support a social-democrat platform over a traditional machine democrat platform. He was tactful and well-spoken tonight, carefully aligning his campaign goals with the new party…
It's so horrifying that we expect BLM, a movement started in part to voice the lack of social and political power, to shoulder the burden of all of the world's ills. I get her point and she has issues that concern her perhaps more than BLM does, but she mistakenly thinks there can only be one priority. Or one issue.…
MIA, repeat after me: More than one social cause can matter at a time. More than one social cause can matter at a time. More than one social cause can matter at a time.
yeah if you’re snapping naked people in your gym to make fun of them with anybody, you’re a complete and total piece of shit.
I think it had more to do with his obsession with Beyonce. In addition, he’s pretty race conscious, so seeing this white person win that award when Beyonce’s video was so much bigger, culturally, probably didn’t help. Black artists often struggle to get the awards they deserve, except for in separate categories for…
But isn’t that ultimately the most male of all? He doesn’t even have to be aware that he’s insulting a young woman - forcibly interrupting her, publicly diminishing her achievement, and comparing her unfavorably to another woman - because he’s just an oblivious male genius speaking truth to power. Blech
I don’t consider Kanye’s interruption to be one of sexism, but one of narcissism. He truly believed (believes) his words and point of view are more important than everyone else’s.
I’m a reality TV editor by trade, and despite not caring about these people at all, I do enjoy my profession so maybe I can offer some insight (while procrastinating on the network notes I have to do for the show I’m working on). The cuts around 00:26, they chopped some stuff up but the only thing they really…
How do you communicate with the youths about the importance of condom usage? You meet them on their level, of…
Part of being a feminist is fighting for the rights of women who don’t fight for our rights, too. It sucks, because she is a shitty person in a number of ways, but what she is doing right now will help women, and as feminists we can simultaneously criticize the harm she has done, and support her winning this case. By…
Logically, it’s about as watertight as a mom going, “I’ve known my son his whole like and I’ve never once seen my beloved Johnny rape anyone, so he couldn’t possibly have raped that young slutty lying woman at the college party I didn’t attend!”
also, ‘it didn’t happen to me, so I support him!’ is so, so terribly weak and cowardly.
It’s disgusting to watch Ailes’ employees ally themselves with a misogynist and savage Carlson’s reputation in the press. At the level of legal strategy, I really applaud Carlson for filing suit against Ailes personally in New Jersey - where the courts are much less likely to enforce arbitration clauses - rather than…
I really appreciate where Brett Baier is coming from. People say sexual harassment from male superiors is commonplace but all the bros I’ve worked for have been totes cool to me, even letting me see some of the tape they’ve secretly shot of the women’s bathroom so I’m inclined to believe the women are just crazy…
whether or not I am pregnant (for the bajillionth time... but who’s counting)