
I did my time as an accessibility professional. I have heard of and seen lots of different types of assistance animals, but never a “lawyer dog.” Because there’s no such fucking thing. Unless the Louisiana Supreme Court have been huffing and think Mr. Peabody is a real dog.

I’m confident someone at some point has said “give me a lawyer, asshole” and now I’m worried about what showed up.

Am I supposed to eat Papa John’s or not?

I like to eat racists. What do I do

Peyton Manning should’ve stuck with eating chicken parms.

Those aristocrats were also disgusting, they never bathed, had no indoor plumbing, Versailles smelled like piss, because they’d take a leak in any available corner and expect the servants to clean it up.

I’d point out he wasn’t in love with her...but it would just reinforce your point.

Seeing all these powerful peoples’s heads roll, I can see why the French got so into the whole Reign of Terror thing.

Perfect gif is perfect. This is gonna be good.

Unless you’re a lifeguard, I can think of no work place where it’s appropriate to walk around barefoot.

It must be 1995, the year that every movie Spacey was in, he turned out to be the bad guy.

Seems like he’s sort of an ass, but a consensual one. There was that Gawker story a bit ago about how Fred Armison  was a jerk, love ‘em and leave em, bad boyfriend, maybe suggested an abortion to a person (it was 1 anon on amessage board.) Anyhow, despite Fred being apparently a grand ass, and fucking admitting it

I can’t be bothered by any of this. All of this could be true (several people are calling this revisionist history) and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. Bernie was weak and flawed too. Bernie had a black people and a race problem. He still does by the way. Clinton at least attempted to show a change. Bernie expected

WOW?!? So 2 inches of hair is a problem? 😂😂 When are we going to start checking these white people with “messy buns” you can never tell what’s hiding in there. Time to start a petition to have those top messy bun things checked.


Uh. That rambling, incoherent attempt at writing something deep and meaningful to get attention reminds me so damn much of my ex.

Did his current Nubian Queen FINALLY read the writing in the sky and dip?

I know ya’ll gotta get these jokes off, but......somebody need to talk to the homie Tyrese, for real. He’s not well right now.

What in the fuck is happening here? The Rock is supposed to run all of his business dealings past Tyrese and his accountant to ensure he’s not negatively impacted by it? lololol