
To be fair, we’ve all had that experience where you can’t open your blister plastic knife packaging, so you buy another knife to cut it open, but that one is in plastic too, so you buy another one, and so on until your house is full of knives and your wife leaves you.

I honestly didn’t expect so many people in this country to play Nazi just for the lolz.

I always figured the superior race would require less sunscreen.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I injure myself in a stupid way, my first instinct is to go the police and accuse a huge black guy of doing it.

Why is it that ‘white supremacists’ are invariably examples of just the opposite? Its like pointing at Jim Carey in the film ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ and saying “See? Whites is SUPERIOR!”

“I also have no interest in managing train times or invading Poland or really even leaving my basement. In fact, if you really think about it, the Nazis wouldn’t have me anyway, because I am colossal waste of life.”

Those blister packs are enough to drive anyone to nazism.

“I’m not a Nazi. I just happen to think blond-haired, blue-eyed northern Europeans of Teutonic stock are superior to all other humans. Also, Jews are literal monsters.”

“... Witt himself bought the knife at a nearby sporting good store, and he cut his hand while opening up its packaging”... Is this the first time in history that child-proof packaging actually worked? 

Another interesting aspecting of this - if you’re willing to fake a stabbing in order to make Nazis look like besieged victims, there is no way you aren’t, yourself, a Nazi. This guy basically outted himself. He majorly screwed up his life. Sad!

This whole storyline was a huge wasted opportunity. For all the grandiose 5D chess conspiracies Littlefinger has been involved with, seeing him brought down as part of a relatively petty scheme with no discernible goal was anticlimactic. Does anyone know exactly what his endgame was in Winterfell, other than “sow

Littlefinger should have kept his cool and instead of trying to answer the charges directly, said, “My lady, I cannot prepare a defense under these circumstances. If I am to be charged with crimes, I must be granted a fair trial, must I not?” and then he’d at least have bought himself some time. Openly admitting that

yes and presumably he ran for president in 2016 and dropped out early in the primaries.

“Crown of Gold for King!” on Line One.

He is a malevolent and masterful player of the game of thrones in the books, he is basically snidely whiplash on the show from season 2 on.

*Governor Carcetti

R.I.P. Mayor Carcetti.

Ah, I see you’ve managed to kill Littlefinger, but what about his other four accents?

That Tyler Conway tweet is so accurate. I really hope nobody spent $100 of their hard-earned money on this fight because it went down exactly how it was supposed to. Deadspin did a great write-up of this fight the other day. But I’m not linking to it because.....lol #petty #tryingtokeeppageviewsontheRoot

Dude has too much head for his face, or not enough face for his head.