
So nobody is even gonna ask WHY his parents separated when he was 4?

Dad to Mom:

Now playing

My favorite is when she screeches: “They won’t let me gooooooooo!!! Everyone around me! HELLLLP!!!” As if she’s being assaulted by strange men in a parking lot who “won’t let her go” and not being handcuffed by the police😒

Man, look. 23 and me was NINETY-NINE dollars on Prime Day. You have an NBC salary. It literally takes 30 seconds and a swab of spit.

Your mother either got pregnant by a Black man and grabbed Mr. Tirico to cover up OR had an affair with a Black man and Mr. Tirico dipped when you browned up a little too much one

“The only contact I had growing up was with my mom’s side of the family. And they are all as white as the refrigerator I’m standing in front of right now,”

There are so many good, productive people in VT living the pothead life and this girl ruins it.

‘Michael Todd Tirico grew up in a middle-class Italian family in Queens...’ 

[Hmmm...I wonder if he was Othello in a school play?]

I was thinking Rooo Sez Bish Plz.... *shiver* just typing out that screen name makes me fear her intense privilege rage. I haven’t seen her on here since last week when she was shouting “hate speech” simply because I asked her why she was so angry. I’d say that there is a more than zero percent chance this is her. LOL

I’m pretty sure I heard him say his name was Sgt. Nguyen and if there’s one thing someone named Nguyen knows is that there is going to be a little more scrutiny when he has to put his brown hands on the Beckiest of Beckys.

Prob. LocomotiveJones.

I wonder what her Kinja screen name is.

Eh, I’d toss her a shot. Quick brush up on whatever bargain-basement philosophy the hippie caricature college set is reading nowadays, and I’d be in.

I’m surprised he didn’t ask her out by the end of the video.

“Doing the most” is so true. And even then...that Portland train stabber was taken into custody.

Where are all the usual comply or else asshats MIA, and yes police do kill more whites than blacks but usually white folks have to be doing the most to get shot, they typically aren’t out here getting killed for minor infractions , the Australian lady that got shot is really sad and a mystery to me , I hope there is

Just for the record, I’m not tired of the line, I’m tired of being the truth and nothing but the truth. I don’t even live in the US and I’m constantly appalled from the other side of the freaking ocean.

I can’t. It was so dumb but so effective lol. Thank you for this.

My favorite part is when she goes, FREEDOM!