
Yeah. The “joke” part of this is bullshit. That owner should get slapped down to the fullest extent allowed by the law. But I can’t for the life of me understand why the deliveryman didn’t work with his employer to make sure he had some form of income, be it disability or a change of route. I get making a moral stand,

Indeed, I’m inclined to agree with you. If I had a nervous breakdown every time some asshole at work made a racist “joke” I would have one at every job since I graduated from high school.

I have a really hard time with someone defending their position as a “joke”. If I were to call said lawyer and say, “Hey, I’m going to kill you” and he decides press charges, I doubt I could say I was just joking and get away with it. Seriously people, think how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of these

Not sure what to think here. The company says they offered disability pay, counseling, and a change of route, which seem like reasonable accommodations, however, I also understand the deliveryman’s distaste of his employer continuing to service the offending owner.

However, Ron Kuby, who is representing the butcher, insists that there was no malice intended with the “joke”

Yeah, and the Confederate flag isn’t just a “differing political view.” I’m getting fucking tired of people describing beliefs that trivialize others’ humanity or strip them of civil rights as a mere difference of opinion. Fuck that.

If a black barber can give this guy a confederate flag fade, you Mike Pence bakers should be able to decorate a same-sex fucking cake. BOOM

I’m failing to see how this concept for a haircut could come out looking “good”.

It’s not even like the gay couple were asking them to depict bum sex on the cake...

Just because he’s a “cool guy” and a “fan of Yelawolf” (who?) doesn’t mean he’s not racist or that the flag isn’t. B/c it absolutely is. At the very least he is ignorant.

I really thought this was an Onion quote when I first heard it. Then I realized it was real life and crawled back into bed.

“He did not get any sun,” Murray added. “He had a baseball hat on.”

There’s probably a technicality there involving the relative gravitational pulls of Christie and the sun.

I was just thinking about how as a kid I’d go to the corner liquor store and get one of those big assed pickles they kept in jars. Now I’d rather cut out my tongue than eat out of a jar that anyone can stick their hand into, but I sure loved them.

This reminds my random mind of a story, where my husband had a ‘friendship’ with a goose who lived in the park-area around his workplace. He named her Gertrude (or Gurty, like the character in ET), and he really liked her. Then, one day, She was out there hanging out with Richard, and my husband was over the moon!

Me, sitting on the couch: “Ugh, it’s too hot to go to the gym and run on the treadmill for 30 minutes.”

My dog is scared of intersections so I had to carry her across this morning (she’s about 25 pounds). I think you and I deserve silver medals, at least!

I ran through the crosswalk while walking the dog this morning and thought that was a strong achievement. Alysia sets a new bar. (And love the Wonder Woman wear!)

Female track and field is my absolute favourite. For the sheer athleticism, but also the style and individuality the women inject: makeup, temporary gold tattoos, hair done, nails done. Those flowers in her hair are beautiful!