
I reached my limit of grief porn months ago.

To quote Tim Whatley when he becomes a Jew on Seinfeld: “It’s our sense of humor that sustained us as a people for 3000 years.”

Cool, thanks for the clarification.

She is.

So, I actually HAVE a tip for swimming in salt or pool water. You can skip washing and conditioning your hair and stick to your regular washing routine (I wash & condition twice a week) by rinsing your hair (and body if chlorine stench bothers you) with a quart bottle of water mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider

Hah! When I read the bullet point I thought “I know this one! It’s rinse and condition, right? I bet it’s rinse and condition.”

I am married to a Kamala Harris and her fine-tuned nose for BS has caused me to stammer hasty excuses from time to time. Usually about why something around the house is not done.

She is a black woman with or without your approval.

If she were a white man, people would just shrug and say, well, he’s a former prosecutor, that’s what they do.

That’s the ticket...

It’s probably the first time in Session’s life where he couldn’t dress down someone he felt was getting uppity with him. His nervous giggle, like it had to be a practical joke by his bros that a black woman was allowed to treat him like a witness on the stand and not one of the cigar buds.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was once asked how many women on the Supreme Court would be fair. She said nine. The reporter clutched his pearls, explained how that wasn’t fair, etc, and she replied, well, we had nine white men for a long time and nobody complained about that..

I’ve adored Harris since the 00's, and I’m disgusted by anyone who would call her out while ignoring the white men who were getting into literal shouting arguments with there questions. I’m also disgusted by anyone who would fail to point out the combination of blatant sexism and racism that is feeding those

A sista has to be Superwoman, especially up on Capitol Hill. Um, Congressional Black Caucus? Hello?

A common excuse for hitting a girlfriend or wife, I’ll note.

Race had less to do with it than that Sessions was getting pounded like a Pinata and some seams were opening. If he got an uninterrupted hour with her, Sessions would confess he killed Jimmy Hoffa to try to get her to stop.

First, as we know, Harris is a mature black woman.

So, like, Yahoo actually does decent journalism.

Trump has bullshitted himself into a corner, hasn’t he?

There’s really no way to save face.