Outpedantic-ing is the best kind of being right; sorry, “technically” folks.
Outpedantic-ing is the best kind of being right; sorry, “technically” folks.
This. Unlike you, I wouldn’t freely admit to reading erotica, but what really made me feel gross was reading shit like “my inner goddess!” and “fair point well made” and every other literary device that seemed to cater to middle schoolers. I’d be home alone and still feel humiliated.
that response showed a lot of tact. I would have taken a different tack, perhaps an attack.
Not to outpendantic you but “tack” is the correct word for that sentence.
is...is that in the movie...?
To put thing in a bit of perspective, most already-successful authors are given “the right of final say” as a matter of course when they sign over their book to be adapted. The difference is that EL James is basically the first author who exercised her full rights (cuz most of them are mature-ass adults who know when…
I care much less about her time with 50 Shades of Grey than I do about how she landed Aaron Taylor Johnson. HOW GIRL?? Teach me your ways!! Their relationship is fascinating to me.
Most problematic was the unusual control that the author,
It’s so cute when Donald’s spawn (which is basically anyone in the GOP leadership at this point) call Democrats immoral or suggest tat the Democratic party is imploding, and especially when they run to Sean Hannity to feel better. I think most Americans are done taking seriously Republican complaints of how mean the…
I skimmed the article and missed that, and when I saw your comment, I figured it was going to be a grosser version of one of those “she’s going to be so gorgeous when she grows up” comments I sometimes hear men make about young girl actors.
Well to be fair, it seems like his boner is writing at least part of his review.
Uhhh... how did he still have a job as a movie reviewer after that Emma Watson comment???
“The problem is that nobody cares about my boner!” he whined.
I would *love* to have a neighbor like you - honestly, just having someone say “hey, let me know if this is a problem, I don’t have parties often” would be enough to not only ensure I didn’t call the cops, but that I wouldn’t even be irritated with the noise. You’re a gem, and your neighbor is a moron.
Another question is why is it even possible to arrest someone on a noise violation without requiring a warning first?
“Maybe police response times are very fast in rich, white neighbourhoods”