Cash Freeman is an all time great names. I dunno if this blog participates in/contributes to the Great Names bracket they have at deadspin, but it should be submitted.
Cash Freeman is an all time great names. I dunno if this blog participates in/contributes to the Great Names bracket they have at deadspin, but it should be submitted.
Nice try, but Trump is still President.
The day the last person uses the word “memelord” is the day we all benefit. Fuck, but the 4Chanization of Facebook and other internet spaces is such a really annoying thing to deal with.
In 2020, new students in a GroupMe chat shared racist jokes and mocked feminists.
Could be the last decent block we get from a Jet in 2017...
Yeah, but does she have to be allowed to volunteer at a school? After raping and murdering several people, including her 15 year old sister? No. Fuck that.
Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?
I highly highly highly highly (is that enough highlys) doubt any of the assholes decrying this actually care about discrimination.
Fuck these dudes. And by that, I mean: absolutely do not fuck these dudes under any circumstances.
That’s a nice call out.
You’re American, aren’t you.
But I’m wondering what Mr. Shu did to set him off?
What are you talking about? And what school did you go to? There were badass kids in my school and the teacher would tell them to sit down when they were standing where they were supposed to. Principal’s office is the last resort. You just don’t send kids there willy-nilly.
That’s why I’m amazed they all just sat there. When I was in 11th grade a similar incident happened and a boy got all up in the face of a teacher from India, calling him all kinds of names. Two classmates jumped right in & put him in a headlock & dragged him out of class.
“No puppet. You’re the puppet.”
Does anyone else notice the remarkable similarities between this fucking loser and (literally) a 5 year old having a tantrum?
Imma sit there too. I’m not going to be the administration’s whipping boy/girl or Caden/Braden/Aiden shooting target because he got all White Boy Crazy in class.
Damn, Daniel back at it again with the white privilege.