They really should. It might be too arrogant to say that Jesus would also hate these people, but the gospels always portrayed Jesus as being not a fan of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, religious purist types.
They really should. It might be too arrogant to say that Jesus would also hate these people, but the gospels always portrayed Jesus as being not a fan of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, religious purist types.
You are absolutely right. I apologise to the Middle Ages for the unwarranted defamation.
It’s worse than medieval. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that taking abortifacients before the “quickening,” when the woman can feel the fetus moving, was purportedly ‘wrong.’ Abortion likely has been a part of human history for as long as pregnancy has been. All the temper tantrums by antichoice nuts won’t change…
I agree 100%. I had to get a d&c a few years back after a miscarriage and was able to go straight from the ER to the hospital’s in house abortion clinic. Abortion is healthcare, it needn’t be sequestered from other healthcare.
Wait, they were straight-up standing in front of the clinic doors? Yeah....can’t do that. Even the angriest Scalia dissents in the abortion clinic protest cases make it clear that states can obviously prevent that because.....duh
Really, this situation is ridiculous. Choice is the law of the land; sneaking into clinics feels like the current version of back alleys. Abortions should be freely performed in every hospital in every state. Why does it feel as though we are condemned to be singled out as slutty sluts and have to traverse a gauntlet.
I watched it without sound because I’m at work and im going to piss myself from laughter - they are fucking RIDICULOUS hahahahahaha i dont even care if this was meant as a serious post. they are ridiculous. im so sorry if i offended you. lol
A Cappella is already the devil’s noise. That plus prayer hands and smug looks...I just can’t with this terrible band.
Why do they all look like he’s confessing to a kiddie porn addiction? The audio does not match the visual, my friends.
Their sound reminds me my private school college choir. It reminds me waaaaaaaaaaaayy too much along with interrogations of my ‘personal walk with Jesus.” It’s personal bitch..back off!
I just listened to two minutes of Hallelujah to reconfirm my distaste. It would have been shorter but I got distracted by a spreadsheet at work.
It’s great when band names lend themselves to adjustment when they break up. Quadratonix. Fourth Harmony. Two Directions. The White Stripe. Journeys.
Oh god no it’s not just you. They really are too precious for anybody with even half a brain.
Being allied to a cause does not mean you are making the cause about you.
Would you prefer she consider it not her problem?
I’m trying to unpack that gif. I’ve seen it dozens of times and I just don’t see how it happened.
I was working up a head of steam rage to go off on you, but now...
Oh, you poor man. Watching Revis get a ring with NE must have killed you.
Still waiting for that to happen though....