
You don’t know anything about food. Everyone who knows food knows that the sauce is tue most important part of the meal.

How can he be so fucking bad at being rich? He has access to the best of everything, he could hire five-star chefs to blow your tastebuds into low earth orbit and this petty tepid little nothing bullshit is the best he can do? Epicurus fucking wept.

Yeah I’m Korean so not liking kimchi would be sacrilege.

Bold claim. I beg to differ. However, his food taste might be seen as eccentric if he showed good taste with literally anything else. Anything.

Yep. And imagine writing a screenplay about the election and this administration. You’d be laughed out of the room.

And it’s not just food. It’s his decor in his house, his suits, everything.

I so agree. If an author or screenwriter tried to submit a story with a character as over-the-top as Trump, it would be immediately returned with a stern note that the writer lacks the ability to create a believable character or plot.

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

But remember, he’s the healthiest president ever!

Extra gravy and more ice cream. That’s how he keeps his waistline so svelte!

And per twitter I guess he has even used that phrase himself before. So yeah.

He has a degree in economics. How the fuck has he never heard of ‘priming the pump’?

God wtf. He really is a narcissist of the highest order. Just because he hasn’t heard something he assumes everyone hasn’t. Like the whole Frederick Douglas debacle. This man is 70 fucking years old and he hasn’t heard priming the pump? For fuck sakes. Shows he doesn’t read for shit.

Trump seems just as simple in motivation and as desperate for attention and approval as my two goldens. However, they have him beat when it comes to generally being delightful and well intentioned.

It’s a true scientific fact:

Habanero Hitler?

I def think there are more interesting angles than what we know. It’s rumored that Pence was in the room when Trump essentially ordered his minions to write out the recommendations for firing Comey, so he may be accountable on obstruction as well.

Let me see if I can give you a little ray of sunshine in your day:

I don’t get it either. At least with the GWB administration you got the sense that they were all in it together and bound by party loyalty. I don’t understand why on earth these guys keep covering for an outsider like Trump - he’s going to drag them all down with him.