
Oh look, 45 is attacking a professional woman on Twitter and his daughterwife is..... promoting her book on working (white, rich, trust fund, mega-nannies and servants, and daddy’s open bank account) women.

How hilarious that Trump demands laws be followed, how conservatives wanted to impeach Obama for not enforcing the laws, and now that Trump is instructing the IRS and EPA to stop enforcing laws you hear crickets from all these “principled” conservatives.

This reminds me that “sic” will probably be the most apropos word associated with this presidency.


Trump tweeted: “ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council (sic)” implying that Yates somehow knows how classified information was given to the press.

Seems like we are due some “checks and balances” on the office of the President. Trump’s doing things no one imagined a President would even think of doing (not in a good way).

Another day, another day that I am embarrassed by something the POTUS has done before noon. Fuck.

Trump didn’t just fire her, he went in on her and was mad spicy in the statement released to the public

What offends the sensibilities of a twice (or more) divorced White asshole whose kids hate him?

I used to work there, and furthermore bills generally don’t mean much by themselves. They tend to say things like “in subsection 4(A), change effective January 1, 2020 to effective January 1, 2020 subject to approval by the Board as established in subsection 19(C).”

But again it was relatively modest as these bills go, we’re talking a couple hundred pages as opposed to a couple thousand.

While I know this is just sad trolling since the answer is actually pretty simple. What is acceptable speech and behavior for certain groups is unacceptable for people not in the group. Society has ALWAYS been like that. As a black guy I would take a friend of mine saying “What’s up, boy?” VERY differently than a

I’d of called his family a bunch of hateful shit, and then when he bit back “but it’s just a word, you can’t let a word affect you.”

“Please, it’s a word,” the teacher scoffs “You cannot go through life acting like a word can affect you.”

I’m not at all surprised that Coach Ryan might think this stupid shit (I’ve known quite a few white people to say the same), but I’m kind of fucking astounded that he’d get up in front of a classroom full of phone-clutching kids, pointedly drop n-bombs, and then try to seriously argue that no one has a right to be

I bet her Chemistry teacher was thinking “omg I had an impact”

Or if we admitted that we really do need much more robust social services than we currently have!

Well I’ll be a tied up chicken hanging off the side of a moonshine jug!


“which he paid for with his own money and delivered on his own”. Wouldn’t it be nice, if instead of spending 50 billion on a useless wall, or 50 billion on unnecessary military spending, or 900 billion on tax cuts for the rich, if our police, firemen, social workers and teachers had special monetary accounts available