
They don’t have to prove you wrong. The visa applicant has the burden of proof so you have to prove that you DON’T have social media accounts. Ask me how I know. (Ok, I’ll tell you anyway. Had someone denied for their greencard because they could not provide any records demonstrating that they were never charged or

Slightly related: I am a dual US/UK citizen. The difference to how US entry goes for US citizens to how it goes when I go into the UK is crazy. In the US I have to put all this info into a machine, tell them where I’m staying etc. (Why? As a US citizen can’t I come in even if I have nowhere to stay?) Then I have to

Where are they even gonna get all the additional foreign-language speaking employees to cover social media? I somehow doubt that DHS has hundreds of surplus Arabic-speakers who aren’t already tasked to something more urgent.

Really? They don’t give you “the look” anymore? I told someone recently and they looked at me like I offended their ancestors, burned down their house, and pissed on an infants grave. Then I was asked in a hushed tone “then what do you use your phone for?”

But they do so much less and make so much more! That means they must be Jesus blessed. Jesus loved sloth and ridiculously expensive formalwear, just look at him up on that cross, chillin’. And what do think crowns of thorns is cheap?

Remember how in the French Revolution they just started beheading people? I don’t, like, condone it, but I now understand the impulse.

I get the impulse, but why be fair? If the parties were reversed, we’d see wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage with conservative media screaming their heads off. “DEM HYPOCRITES DONT EVEN TRUST THEIR OWN BILL!” “ELITIST DEMS THINK THEYRE TOO GOOD FOR OBAMACARE!”

Foot surgery or iPhone, Jason. You can only have one!

The fact that I literally said out loud, “Thank goodness my dad got cancer during the Obamacare years” this morning is supremely fucked up.

Eh, I did too, but I’m also 100% sure my congressman will write it off and pretend it’s because I don’t fully understand how awesome his plan is. He’s a smug dick that way.

This....in no way meets the definition of treason. It meets the definition of “being an asshole,” but that is currently still legal.

Whatever, Stern.

I totally agree with Stern. He could be sitting in Mar a Lago playing golf every single day and tweeting 50 times a day about how shitty Hillary is doing, and how he would have been better. Making every American feeling like they made a huge mistake not voting for him and having the ultimate, “Hate to say I told you

This just seems like something people reflexively say these days because it sounds good. No, this particular case has nothing to do with “bad training.” This guy is constitutionally unfit to work in law enforcement. The video above isn’t an example of something doing something in the heat of the moment. It’s a sick

Why couldn’t the kid just lie still and be completely limp while the racist was choking the life out of him? I mean, millions of years of evolution matters not so, arrest him for “resisting” i.e. Attempting to live.

That thug shouldn’t be fired; he should be charged with assaulting a child and should spend at least a decade eating at the prison cafeteria.


FUCK THIS GUY. The defense is seriously that because he didn’t abuse the shit out of 1,700 children, this is fine?!

History lesson: When Ronald Reagan was running for reelection in 1984, a British neurologist watched some of his election speeches and determined that Reagan likely had dementia, likely Alzheimers. Just watching a speech. As it turns out, he fumbled through his last term, had Nancy covering for him, and declined

Part of the way they come up with a diagnosis for any mental illness is conversing with the patient and watching how they respond and how they act. Yes they look at past medical history and ask you to fill out some questionnaires, but a lot of it is based on how you act and respond.