As a white guy from SC that flag just fills me with shame and embarrassment. If I see someone flying it I just take it as an indication that they’re not someone I want to associate with. I am very thankful none of my family or friends do it.
As a white guy from SC that flag just fills me with shame and embarrassment. If I see someone flying it I just take it as an indication that they’re not someone I want to associate with. I am very thankful none of my family or friends do it.
I’m not crying, you’re crying *tries to hit very fuzzy ‘donate’ button.”
Between this and Jimmy Kimmel people in my office are going to think something bad happened to me. I am crying over my keyboard.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
When my wiseass brother moved to FL back in the ‘80s he would often hear, “The South’s gonna do it again!”
Exactly. Brush it off, snowflake. Why are you feeling so threatened by this explainer?
As long as they understand they got their asses whooped, their land scorched, and were forced to come back with their tails between their legs, I’m all in favor of reminding them of this at every occasion possible.
You left out one reason: it makes you uncomfortable. I am pretty sure that there’s a ton of people flying/wearing Confederate flags simply because it rustles the jimmies of decent human beings (or that’s their intent, anyway), and they get off on that. This is of course in addition to the other reasons listed.
All those bowls of cereal every morning.
A huge chunk of the “Confederacy” lovers are from families that emigrated after the Civil War or are from regions that opposed the war (I’m looking at you, East Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, etc). I’d say it’s a fair comparison, or at least that it doesn’t make less sense.
They’re half right. It’s history AND hate. Put the slave flag in a museum along with the old iron slave manacles and slave posters. You want to celebrate your Southern heritage? Fry up a biscuit. No hate in a good biscuit.
Dear god, the water bill in that household...
aw, I love this. My granny raised her children and then 6/9 of her grandchildren and when we all moved out she got intense empty nester’s and immediately started fostering! This was back in 2013 and she adopted two siblings - a girl and a boy- this time last year! They really get a kick out being referred to as our…
Tears. I know a few families who adopted our of foster care but never this many kids! Bless them all, indeed.
Good for the kids.
In Ohio, My grandparents had 10 kids naturally. They fostered another 12; and adopted 5. I have 15 Aunts/Uncles and 30 first cousins. This worked because we had a hundred+ acre farm to feed the kids, and my grandfather worked in a factory supporting the whole family. Many of my Aunts and Uncles also…
All I think when I see her is “complicit.”
But so far, and despite significant coverage about how the eldest Trump remains one of the president’s closest and most trusted advisers, little that Ivanka claims to lobby him on in private has materialized in his public policy.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?”
“I went to a Red Sox game and Curt Schilling campaign rally broke out...”