
I remember the first time someone sent me a link to the red pill and how it was both disgustingly shocking and a total relief. Here, finally, was a written record of what women know and experience on a daily basis but no man would admit to openly. And peering into it was like seeing behind the toxic curtain and

Well. Then serial murdering isn’t ALL bad because the serial murderers enjoy it!

I kind of have to laugh. Haha, yes of course you stupid fucker. Yep, the rapist probably enjoys himself. Shut it all down, we’re done now!

Lucky you. I hate-read the entire piece. I never thought of myself as the torture-fantasy kind of person before.

totally. And the way he prefaces it with “I’m going to say it”. Like, “I know everyone is thinking/has thought this.”

It really is. He’s attractive  and a high-level executive who is sleeping with multiple women.*

You can defend most crimes this way.

  • The Daily Beast identified New Hampshire state representative Robert Fisher (R) as the likely individual behind Reddit’s “Red Pill” forum, a breeding ground for misogynists. Among other musings, Fisher wrote: “I’m going to say it—Rape isn’t an absolute bad, because the rapist I think probably likes it a lot.”

This is​ the greatest GIF in the history of giffing.

Yes, the Democrats ate Trump’s homework on this one for sure.

Mother of god, that was a tough read.

From TNR:

Channing kind of looks like a potato in the face, so I wasn’t on board with him for a while. But then I saw his lip sync battle and ... things changed.

Not enough uses of “innit.”

Only to people who think Oscar Isaac can pass as Armenian.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who felt they were reading a first year film major’s screenplay. A first year who has never actually met an English person. He was just missing the, “Oi!”

My god, Scott Baio is such a douche.

Me literally anytime Tom Hardy does anything...

“It was mental – like he’d switched to superhero mode in an action movie. Two boys on the nicked moped had jumped a red light and smashed into a car. Tom must have been walking down the road. He went off like a shot in pursuit and looked furious. If the kid had been dumb enough to resist I reckon Tom would have

Funnily enough, this is what I say to Tom Hardy in my dreams where I do a similar, albeit concertedly different thing to him.