Ha, MTE. It was just like - I don't know whether to respond to this comment with an enthusiastic 'hell yeah!' or just go curl up in a corner somewhere because of how damn true it is, so a sad upvote seems like the logical fusion of the two.
Ha, MTE. It was just like - I don't know whether to respond to this comment with an enthusiastic 'hell yeah!' or just go curl up in a corner somewhere because of how damn true it is, so a sad upvote seems like the logical fusion of the two.
+1 to personality preference not necessarily equaling riffer preference. I think they're both fantastic, brilliantly funny riffers, and I'm most definitely the toolbag in my friends group who drags everyone out to the Rifftrax Live shows… but when it comes to MST host segments, it's either Joel-era, or it's got a…
I think Kevin had pretty rockin' chemistry with just about everyone, but the Trace\Mike setup never really clicked for me either. I love the hell out of both Crows, but I think Trace was the perfect Crow for Joel, and Bill was the perfect Crow for Mike. Joel's on-screen chemistry with Trace (both as Crow and Dr F) was…
Joel, you're definitely a man of god. As for *which* god, however…that's up for debate. My money's on Loki. Also, mega props to Sean. *raises glass of Romulan ale* This was a hella interesting interview. So nice to get a break from the same 10 or so questions that everyone and their dog always interrogates Joel about!…