
Yeah. It's fascinating how every single Jezebel article that deals with animal cruelty produces so many vicious, childish and some, let's say, not very smart comments about tasty meat, crying plants, sickly looking vegans, and chickens that would eat us if they only had a chance, and the mandatory "don't tell me what

That's a terrible thing to say! Animal rights is based on the concept of equality. But a racist statement doesn't refute anything said about animal cruelty. I just can't understand how it all works together in his head.

like I said, your morality is not my morality

I wonder if there are feminist pandas who lecture other pandas about gender inequality and other social injustices. Because if they aren't any, that would totally refute feminism as taught and understood by humans.

I wasn't aware of that. It's just that it's one of those typical replies to animal rights people, that they care more about animals than humans, and it's annoying for the same reason "feminists hate men" is annoying.

Right. Because he couldn't possibly simultaneously care about humans and non humans.

Morrissey isn't forcing his "beliefs" on other people more than the feminists here are forcing theirs on the "outsiders" when they are criticizing sexism. Discrimination is discrimination. Cruelty is cruelty. Injustice is injustice. It doesn't magically become OK because the victim belongs to the wrong gender,

aww... well you're a good friend.

No problem!

Is it too late to roast some veggies for her? Roasted peppers with garlic are really tasty and quick.

Just a heads up, many vegans don't eat honey (some do, and maybe you already know if your friends do...)

The (kicking) foot is the best part.

It is kind of like saying, if the society is sexist why don't you just leave? Because I bet for these women, their religion is their society and leaving religion would mean leaving everything. And I say this as a non religious person.

But most people won't leave their religion, and so the next best thing is to change or improve the rules from the inside. Religion has to and will adapt to social changes it if wants to remain relevant. Personally, I believe that all religious texts are 100% made-up nonsense, but I realise how much easier it is for a

I never got the "Jesus was a great prophet but not the son of God" theory that the Muslims follow. I think C.S. Lewis said it quite succinctly when he said that Jesus was either a Liar, Lunatic, or Lord. He doesn't leave us much room for debate.

The real question is can they feel fear, love, despair?

I'm glad you actually clicked on the links even though you didn't find them helpful. It's pretty amazing that you can claim that chickens aren't sentient. I'm curious what you think about other birds, such as crows and magpies? Do you believe that all (or at least some) animals have the ability to feel pain, or would

Good for you. Then you have no weight to lose, really. :) I follow the regular plan, loosely because it seems to work best for me. I could honestly eat potatoes every day! Still consume some oil and sweets like chocolate.

That's my kind of cozy.

MamaLynn, are you trying to lose weight? If you are, have you heard of Dr John McDougall? He recommends a starch based vegan diet. All info is available for free on his website.