
Hi Jamie, I'm a big fan of Citizen Radio. Thanks for sharing this with us, it's incredibly touching and honest. I'm sorry if this is a wrong q to ask, but I wonder if you eat enough (whole) starches to keep you full and satisfied? I'm on a vegan diet too and vegetables are simply not enough to keep me full no matter

Excellent clips and very much needed. Wish I could say that those questions surprise me, but I've heard stupidest arguments in favour of slavery: Slavery was morally justifiable because it was a different time, it's ok as long as slaves are treated "humanely", slavery was necessary for development of western

Oh I read Peter Singer long ago when I first got into animal rights. It was a good start since he is an important figure in the animal rights movement. He's a preference utilitarian though and I have some issues with that, as I do with utilitarianism in general. But that's a big subject I don't want to get into here

Ari do you live in the developing world? I find it funny how the opponents of abolitionism always bring up the following: aphids and the inuit. If you're fortunate enough to be able to make more compassionate choices, you shouldn't use those who can't as an excuse not to. I'm going to let this debate end here. Thanks

Thanks for correcting me. English is my 3rd language, so mistakes happen. I believe that our moral concern should include even those who can't express or practice the same concern, such as infants, intellectually disabled, and yes, non human animals. Does that moral requirement make us unique? Well every species is

Ari, I certainly don't look down on people who depend on animal agriculture. It's the dominance hierarchy and social structure which makes us depend on animals that I mind, not people who are in some cases forced to do what they do. From an animal rights perspective animals shouldn't be our property. To consider the

Queen, I think that learning/reading more about animal cruelty against rabbits (and other animals) would be helpful in increasing your knowledge on this issue. I also recommend reading about abolitionism. Look up Gary Francione (such as Animals as Persons: Essays on the abolition of animal exploitation) I also posted

Ari, I believe I answered many of these qs in my previous comments, but if you are curious about abolitionism read Gary Francione (he wrote several books on this issue and also has a website). Bottom line is that we don't have a right to treat non human animals as property or use them for our personal gain. Millions

Neaira: I know! :(

Krishna, look at the name (in pale grey) next to mine (in red) to see whom I'm replying to. (I don't have any control over the order in which they are shown.)

Well that rabbit wouldn't exist at all.

Ok... I never said that there's no violence or death in the wild. My point is that there are more valuable things than remaining safe in captivity.

If it's unnatural for rabbits to get along, why would you try to teach them? I have to question the assumption that humans know what is best for rabbits better than rabbits do.

Ok so you're talking about extrinsic value (or utility value) of domesticated animals as a reason to keep breeding them? Imo that's an insufficient reason, but I do understand your point, so lets agree to disagree. My comments come from an animal rights perspective and abolitionist approach. I don't believe we have a

We don't really need anything but food and water, but lets not get too technical. It's ok to love someone and let them make you happy, be it humans or non-humans. If you adopt an animal - you have actually saved an individual. If you buy from a breeder you're supporting an industry which dooms millions of animals to

you're saying we shouldn't breed animals to depend on us, but then what is a pet if not an animal that depends on a person?

I'm sure they all have very unique personalities. Also, like I said previously I have a problem with humans breeding animals for a certain purpose, and then exploiting that ability.

But we're not really domesticating animals to keep them from getting killed? And what right do we have to decide when the cost of freedom is too high for another santient being? Anyway, I'm simply concerned with possible negative outcomes from similar pet shows and races.... Please snuggle with your pet all you want.

And we can't think of any other ways for a rabbit to be?

I'm not saying that a pet owner shouldn't take care of their pet - or avoid any interraction. But I believe there are better ways (for instance) for rabbits to have fun than pictured on this page. Many of these activities are about and for humans. I'm also aware that different dogs or breeds have specific needs, but