
Hahaha now I'm trying to guess which dorm you might be referring to...

Haha, of course, silly me! Sometimes with fist pumping... I got to lead it once, for my graduation, it was incredible to see everyone screaming along!

Wellesley alum represent!

Yeah, I get what you're saying, and definitely agree I agree that cultural appropriation is an important issue that should be taken seriously. I was just making light of the fact that Anthro, as well as it's parent company, are frequently guilty of egregious appropriations, both cultural and artistic, and in this

I understand that it is used in many cities in the US, as well as in countries all around the world. I was referring more to the catalog description that tried to make their product more exotic by painting a picture of being whisked away on an impromptu magical adventure in India, as using this image as a selling

I bet Anthropologie would be much less enthusiastic about this twee attempt at cultural appropriation if they knew many historical sources actually credit the invention of the rickshaw to a man here in Worcester, MA in the mid-19th century. Whimsical, spur-of-the-moment tour of early industrial New England. Inhale

The former Draco/Hermione shipper in me feels totally vindicated! Now, if only Dan Radcliffe and Tom Felton could admit to the same thing for each other...

DUDE I fucking did ballet all growing up with the blonde in that video, Emma. Like, facebook friends. SMALL WORLD!

@cleverpeach: YES. I was just about to post that!

...did anyone just watch that Lifetime movie Sundays at Tiffany's?

This could actually be a great outlet for some less-covered sports that women excel in. Rugby, for example, is rarely broadcast in the U.S., and when it is, it's always mens rugby. I live in the Boston area, and almost no one is aware of the fact that Beantown Rugby is one of the top leagues in the country. My best

Edit to my (hypothetical) OKCupid profile. Message me if...you were raised on farm-fed beef.

Wellesley pride, what up!

Actually, most of mine were from girls/women:

But...I don't think I actually GO into the bathroom any more or less often when I'm punctuating. Are they worried about decreased productivity or something?

Well, crap, I JUST learned about these classifications in med school. Now I have to read up on psych when I get back to clinicals...

@royalfan5: Yes, in fact! There was this well-publicized trial last year in Thailand ([news.bbc.co.uk] The lab I'm doing my PhD in is a pretty major lab in the field, and is actually working on a related vaccine strategy that has already gone through phase 1 clinical trials and is now being optimized for further

This is probably not going to do much to relieve my apprehensions about my friends all pushing me to try online dating as a way to "move on"...

What's the verdict on shoes? Say, if I'm very short, and wearing a very conservative black dress, are tall pumps verboten? I imagine that next to no one would even care at a funeral, but wouldn't want to be inappropriate.

@roodles: His idea, reason was freaking out about how things were going while studying for what one of the biggest exam in med school (we are both med students but I am not taking it yet). He's been one of my best friends for years, we know each other really well, and I know that he both gets scared when things get