
In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

tbf, they had to first realize something was wrong.


But this is nonsense. You’re presuming men WOULDN’T agree - and Jesus, that's a horrifying thing you're presuming - and you're STILL insisting this quote is about a comparison in fears. It's not. It's about the societal context of fears and how they often interrelate. That is literally what it is about.

Jesus, dude. Seriously?

That’s unbelievably foolish. The quote in no way makes women’s fears more valid than men’s. It makes them more URGENT. It speaks to a demonstrably true fact that women are murdered by men at a higher rate than the inverse; that IS a valid fear, and IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE AND CONTEXT, it’s a more PRESSING concern than

The fear of being laughed at pales in every respect to the fear of being murdered.

It’s also not our job to get men on board. It’s men’s job to get men on board.

You initially said your problem with the quote was about generalizations. You’re moving the goalposts.

Probably because shootings and stabbings and rapings are more common and therefore not defined as “heinous” so much as perhaps “ordinary.”

Do you legitimately not understand the comparison being made in the quote? That:

Kindly don’t tell women to not be occasionally be afraid of men when the vast majority of women on this site alone could give you a story confirming why they're right to occasionally be afraid of men.

Sure, that’s true, your chances of actually getting murdered by a man aren’t really high, but your chances of being brutalized by one are. It isn’t only about death.

“A nearby surveillance camera shows multiple cars passing by the scene as Di Pietrantonio screamed for help. Monteleone notes that had someone stopped, her life might have been saved.”

Well, giving your money to more needy people is one of the ways it CAN bring fulfillment. I hope your application is successful!

No. Fuck make-up, and fuck anyone who tries to say it’s some fundamental part of the female experience.

Once I’ve done my makeup and left the house, I never apply anything else besides blot powder and lipstick retouches.

Is Boo-Tea made from powdered ghosts?

There’s plenty of people in the comments with larger breasts endorsing this trend. Maybe some us don’t need our tits strapped to our bodies or formed into perfect globe shapes.

Long-time member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee here! Discovering bralettes and embracing my tiny titties was a revelation for me. I spent so much time and money trying to make my boobs look bigger with padding, pushup, what-have-you, and now I feel so freeeeeee.