Kate Hepburn?
Kate Hepburn?
This show is awful. Just terrible.
I thought the character’s name was Egor.
Yeah, this sucked ass. It was awful and if Ianucci’s name wasn’t known to be behind it, I think most reviews would call it “kinda shitty.”
Ted Sampson, the sound guy, is pretty great and will be remembered fondly for years.
Nicely done.
“Oh, I can hear a certain sect tuning up their keyboards....but get over yourselves.” Why, because you’re an unrepentant shitbag?
Yeah, she sure does know how to get peed on.
It’s a good thing for Seattle that Harpo Marx isn’t still around and living there.
“This movie is a piece of shit.” - Jesse Hassenger, the AV Club.
Can someone please get Julie Kavner some throat lozenges?
Why isn’t Spiderman in this?
This has been the blue balls World Series for the home team fans.
Well that sucks. It was because of your avatar that I pieced together quickly it was you. This site is clearly not the same after and even a year or so before the kinja switch. Though I think it’s very cool that there are several former commenters who created new sites for people to still get together and parse pop…
I know that frustration all too well. I lost my pword and had to create this new account which will never get ungreyed.
Hooray for Scrawler! Love seeing old AVClub vets like you here.
I can assure you that the one thing Julie Kavner is not, is broke.
She was a regular in my fantasies back in the day. You know...fantasies i.e.......
Why punish the students?
No, a sharpie.