
Where, Wolf?

This is easily the best episode I’ve seen in ages, and yes, I didn’t see it!!

We have too many stupid assholes in this country. Stupid, and eager to show it off.

Yes, true. Good Point. Then again, she fucking sucks.

She works at the CVS in Anaheim. Nice girl.

You’ll lose your hearing too! No more waking up to the neighbors banging too loud at 3am. Lots of goodies in store for us as we age.

I’m single and hear that a lot. My answer to “you must have a girlfriend” is to tell them “I wish I did. Instead, I masturbate a lot. By the way, if you know anyone,send them my way. Anyway, Nancy, you wanted the tuna sandwich with fries, right?”

Ahh Thanks. Will do.

Is being an asshole kinda your thing? If so, marvelous job. Kudos!

You’re a neo-dickhead. Go back under the bridge.

My condolences to your weary boner.

Rod Stewart, the guy who had his stomach pumped because Richard Gere’s butt gerbil spooged in him?

No, but I did at the screening. Maybe your friend was there? 

So she made, what, 20 bucks?

What a monumental cunt Megyn Kelly is. 

Here’s more food for thought. You’re a fucking idiot.

That’s the Fairsley difference.

He has a bluffTony.

He did it. Let the Republican smearing begin.

“Gaga smashes...her throat...grabs a spotlight...punches it repeatedly...curses like a sailor...in this...colossal...piece of...dippity do.”