A bj in a theatre?
A bj in a theatre?
I maintain, from anecdotal experience, that if Spaceballs was the first Mel Brooks movie you saw, and you were 15 or younger, you love this movie and think it's great. If you were familiar with Brooks' earlier work, at any age, you think this is where his movies more or less suck.
I smell a new Netflix show brewing here.
Sure you're proud. She couldn't do it without you.
Patty Jones- what a gal.
Joe Besser is funnier. Much funnier.
They should definitely fuck………a lot.
I guess Paul Williams wasn't available.
He escaped from Willy's candy factory. He has a bounty on his head. Get him!!!
I remember when that song got popular, and there were a bunch of short people who took the song seriously and were pretty angry at Newman. Fuckin' short idiots.
I know- what a fucking pig.
You might say they came up a little short in meeting expectations they set.
They usually shorten it to Bib.
And showing how war itself is commodified, and maybe, just maybe, if this girl had been born in America, she would have been a great mousketeer, instead of a disturbing image of war. So, in a way, this Vietnamese girl running from a fire, naked in the streets, is Britney Spears.
Maybe that even the most horrifying pictures have been commodified in some way.
No it isn't. Stop lying!
Ladies and gentlemen, this movie is for the birds.
No one is Neil for Gaiman.
Shhh, being smart and thoughtful about this is a fast track to insanity. Spare yourself. The country is kind of fucked right now. Like, a lot. It may not get better either.
I thought it was "Serving black people since 1997."