That really is an egregious error. Wow.
That really is an egregious error. Wow.
"Fat asshole needed to play leader of America" "Looking for an obnoxious fuck to play a CEO Type." We need a fat fucking fat ass lardo to play an imbecile in charge of important shit." I remember seeing those a year and a half back or so.
She just is, kids.
She did some real yeoman's work on getting to the truth that Santa Claus is white. He just is.
Now I want a Janis Ian, Ice Cube duet. Endless Love, maybe?
This guy really knows how to milk the perks of his job.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this movie is for the dogs"-Norm Macdonald
Alan Watts should be better known. A friend turned me onto him a year ago, and his lectures are beautiful and so life affirming. Magical, almost.
I want a TV show made called: Tales From Sam Elliott's Mustache. Just have it be the mustache, floating above the beach, as it recalls great events from its past.
What decade is this?
Calm down buddy. It was good, but it ain't no Duck Soup, Blazing Saddles, or Caddyshack.
Yeah, not a Fruedian slip. An ad lib. Big difference.
You forgot :
Two broke toilets?
You mean "cruel."
Sargent drools!!!
"I'm so excited, love, Leah remini !!!
You remembered her name!!
No- I honestly hate those fuckers and don't care what they think or have to say about this.
Oh, go fuck yourself.