
If this ends up where you can pick different eras with different assassins, areas are added to support a story, and still single player, I can be ok with that. But if this ends up trying to be something like Destiny where there’s lobbies of people running around and you join each other on missions....I don’t think I

My favorite thing is you said “don’t be a Highlight Truther or you’re a piece of shit, it’s immediately followed by Highlight Truthers lol

Before anyone thinks of doing this, please consider:

I don’t think 4K is necessary for Nintendo’s current generation of games. They know their limits and they design for them.

On one hand, yeah Nintendo has gotten by for a while with only incremental upgrades that aren’t anywhere close to its competition and people keep buying them. But on the other hand, you had no reason to expect that Nintendo would add 4K or a newer processor or anything else, people getting mad or upset at Nintendo for

A man ahead of his time. Like Abraham Lincoln, who famously said in 1864, “The problem with internet quotes is that you cannot always depend on their accuracy.”

Remember always what our Lord told his flock: “Follow me.” And he went on to say, “Set me free. Trust me and we will escape from the city.”

To the tune of the SEGA chant: “GET FUUUUCKED”

As Mark Twain famously opined, “if you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed. If you read the news, you’re misinformed. If you exclusively consume unauthorized Sonic the Hedgehog porn, by god you’ve threaded the needle.”

You might not like it but this is what peak patriotism looks like.

Imagine you’re making cereal, and the store you want to sell it at asks you for $25,000 in order to put it on the shelves, or else it goes in the back room where only people who specifically come asking for your cereal will get it.

I’m happy that you’re back, despite your terrible take on Bulbasaur.

You’re a strong voice, and have been for as long as I can remember knowing who you were. I feel like Kotaku needs that more than anything else right now.

Is it bad that I have been reading your name on the bylines for the past 2 weeks and it’s not even clicked that you went and came back? You’re one of the names that just seems so natural to see on an article here that I think my brain flashed back to 2017 and refused to realise you hadn’t been ever present over the

We don’t do that here. Take that shit back to the IGN comments on Facebook

Fun fact: believing in tolerance necessitates that you do not tolerate the intolerant. Attempting to remove the rights a person has over their own body is intolerance.

I probably shouldn’t reveal this, because Slideshows Are The G/O Way, but you can essentially turn it into an article by making your window as narrow as possible! That’ll display the mobile view (slideshows show up as traditional articles, more or less, on mobile).

Yeah, anyone whos solution to war is “Hey, so we’ll just decide how everything goes, and erase whatever gets in our way. Does that work for you? No?” ZZZAP “There we go, problem solved.”

At this point, I want Marvel to keep doing red herrings to Mephisto. Just tease and tease him, but don’t actually use him until people stop pointing at things and thinking he’s going to show up.