wildcat1278 .

This episode was a clear example of why just when you think you can take TWD "seriously" they drop their "routine" on you. Typical big speech from a smaller character before they die, no surprise there. I actually thought the walker in the car was going to be her demise.

I've never been so disappointed in an X-Files episode as I was last night. It felt sloppy, disjointed, cheesy at times. I still don't like Einstein and Miller and the over the top obvious nod that they are a modern day reincarnation of Mulder and Scully. For a mini-series to end on a cliffhanger like that was super

Okay…Daisy is still annoying as ever. The tiff between Mary and Edith is quite old I'm afraid and pointless unless it leads to something worthy. I am very much looking forward to Mrs. Hughes putting Carson in his place, boy are they coloring him as a male chauvinist this season. And finally Barrow, I agree, they

I just finished watching the series from start to finish for the first time and I must say, if I had to wait a week between episodes and months between seasons, I'd lose my mind. This was THE BEST TELEVISION SHOW I have ever scene and for so many good reasons. Sure it had some flaws here and there but as a whole, it

I hear you on the rape scene, however, in the context of the show and the scenes within those episodes, I think both Dany and Sansa's rapes were relevant to the scene and not just thrown in for theatrics.

Ian Ziering
learned this very lesson when he tried to pass off La Cucaracha off as his own
tune. Don Trump wasn’t haven’t none of

Because the Grammy's are just that important to us.

I’m sorry, but
this article is garbage and everything this guy spat out of his mouth is misinformed
blabber. It’s obvious he is not a
Zeppelin fan and that’s okay but to say they stole black music? They were certainly influenced by it, but
what classic rock quartet in the 60’s wasn’t?
The Beatles certainly were, Cream,

Tickets are insanely priced at either $158 or $118 plus a $16 processing fee. Absolutely ****ing ridiculous. I guess fans of Rush who aren't making "The Big Money" are going to be able to afford to see them.

Ok, is it just me or is this becoming a
show of “Same crap, different day”? if I
have to hear Daisy be a winey little twit one more episode, or agonize through
another season long drawn out Bates storyline that could probably be resolved
in one episode, Branson and Robert arguing over politics, my head might
explode. I

The fact that Boards of Canada was mentioned in this article is awesome.