So which gets violated more, the Prime Directive or the Temporal Prime Directive?
So which gets violated more, the Prime Directive or the Temporal Prime Directive?
Scale Bar is a must-use if you are actually trying to use your map to locate yourself or navigate (as opposed to just following directions). If you don't know how to locate yourself on, and read, a paper map I strongly urge you to learn, I guarantee it will come in handy someday. Any place I have been to that I…
At first, I groan'd. But then, I +1'd.
Awesome... Usually I try to let some things slide sciencewise if I like a movie, but I love how Plait uses science to destroy this film the way it needs to be destroyed.
I agree, but he was also a computer avatar. I don't think it would have worked as well if they did a flashback scene to 1982 and tried to put him in the arcade or something like that.
I find that it distracts me from paying attention to the character... I don't care if something is animated/CGI, but I find myself trying to "resolve" a character like Dr. Ross into one or the other. Kind of hard to explain I guess, but it's like a glitch in the Matrix. You know something is off but you can't tell…
I liked it as well, but a few of the characters were a little too deep in the Uncanny Valley for me. Advent Children was much better IMO.
So, wait, which one was the "unlucky movie that had all three"?
I'm actually surprised that he continues to rant on that thing, it was a lot smaller the last time I looked at it (which was not long enough ago, apparently). I guess he really does go to universities to try and "prove" his theories though... hopefully he just keeps to himself so we don't have to worry about his…
Come on, everyone knows the earth is a CUBE. You educated stupid word animals can't fathom this greatest social and scientific math of creation.
I totally agree... there are so many requests out there for interviews and such (on top of the stuff that goes into the Confidentials) that I think it's totally amazing that they would be willing to take time out for "us." Thanks CJ (and everyone) for all the hard work!
Agree about having one of each person conveniently killed off/sacrificed... it would have been a much better argument to have one person and their ganger go into that press conference instead of someone who is Flesh but doesn't look like it anymore.
I'm pretty sure there were two... ganger!Doctor uses his on spider-Jen right before the real Doctor uses his on Amy, and I don't think the Doctor picked one up before going back into the TARDIS (wasn't that the point of them blocking the door anyway, so they had time to get in?). But of course, that doesn't explain…
I would count the recasting of Jennifer as a good recasting though. Nothing against Claudia Wells but the scene in Part II with Elisabeth Shue meeting herself is hilarious.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that liked it... I was pretty young at the time (like most of the other people who said they liked it) but how can you go wrong with power boots, a little walking Bomb-omb, and the Super Scope? I wish they could have found some Italians to play the Italian plumbers though.