Wild Blogger

I prefer "Hit me with one of those macaroons!"

I prefer "Hit me with one of those macaroons!"

Thankfully those berries couldn't have been too bad if Meelo showed no more ill effects after puking.

Not to mention that Season 3 started out similarly "slow." Things didn't really pick up until Korra and the gang arrived in Zoufu, Episode 5.

I wonder if the new season isn't being set up so that instead of the usual fighting, Korra uses psychology on Kuvira. "Oh? You think you can control everything forever? You're just a kid who grew up in Zaofu. What do you know about ruling? Hell, I'm the Avatar, and even I can't fix everything."

Isn't that what existed before? I think the show might actually take it in a different direction and have Wu not be a ruler at all, but still wanting to be of service to the people.

Kiernan must have been off filming Mad Men for part of the production, it seems. Three episodes her character appears without a line of dialogue.

I really liked this episode, but I'll admit, I was hoping for more insights into Korra's earliest days, before she was The Avatar and immediately after the discovery.

I was thinking Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice myself.

I find it weird that the sister never gave Carrie a tutorial beforehand. "No THIS is the soap you use to wash her. Oh, and wash her in the sink, not the bathtub…"

I was in junior high when I saw this the first time and loved it. Watched it again recently and couldn't even make it through the first 20 minutes.

I want to see her if only for how she interacts with Lin.

You had a much better impression of The Masks than I did. I find that episode to be tiresome and the punchline obvious after the first five minutes.

And for that matter, how would Jinorra know only Su could do it? This is technically the first time they've ever met.

I wouldn't be surprised if, instead of merely taking his bending powers away, Korra decides to kill him (using, ironically, breath bending).

My question is why only Su and not Lin could metal bend the poison out of Korra's system?

Still don't understand how blood bending leads to Avatar-like powers (removing bending ability).

To me, the worst thing about Season 2 wasn't the (messy, disjointed) story, but the animation done by Studio Pierrot. If it had been all Studio Mir pretty animation, I would have loved the season even with nasty Korra, dull Unalaq, and about five major plot lines crammed together.

Did you notice that there was also this forced attempt at "equality" through the use of first names that presaged our use today? The opening scene, the mother reminds the maid to call her "Lana" in a superior tone that says no matter how often her first name is used, she will still be above the maid in station.

Glad I'm not the only one who prefers this to Eye of the Beholder.