
I was depositing a check inside my credit union and over-heard a banker tell a customer that an auto loan was the best way to repair his credit. This was followed by the banker telling the customer his loan was approved but at a high interest rate.

If I were at work I’d totally dig into it. But it’s a beautiful Sunday.

re: your first point; I noticed that too. All I could think of is that the Lake Point Tower Condo’s are the only building in that census block. Maybe everything east of Lake Shore is 1 census block?

I’m not sure how Feedly selects which picture to display with the feed but the NSFW pic is the one showing up. Some intern at Feedly is giggling right now.

I tried a pasta feed before a half marathon once and it was the worst run of my running career. My stomach was full the entire race and quickly emptied after the run. It was not pleasant. I’ve done pasta 2 days before and that has worked out better for my stomach. I don’t know that there is a benefit to eating pasta 2

Thank you for sharing. Like you I went down some of those roads between 4th and 10th grade. Everything was thrown out by 11th grade but teachers and parents had a pretty great time trying to push a label on me rather than think they were part of the problem (looking at you MOM and DAD!).

Great article. Can you speak more about your Asperger’s diagnosis? Was that accurate? Any more thoughts on that?

What do you mean - home values might drop and you need to leave. Are these events related?

Is this called something? I heard I could read all kinds of useful medical advice on the internets :)

Thanks! I’ve also cut screen time for the last hour I’m awake. Well, small screens. I still like to watch TV at the end of the day.

About once a week I lay down and all of a sudden every thought I’ve ever had comes rushing through my brain and I cannot get to sleep. It takes me hours. I don’t drink caffeine in the afternoon or evening, I rarely have an alcoholic drink, I exercise regularly.

deleted and sent to Nitun Verma

The grid just makes sense. If you can combine the grid with some common sense street names it makes it easier.

If the goal is to exercise during your lunch break an individual could eat at their desk, use their lunch break for exercise, and go about their day as usual. Not everyone wants to sit at their desk for 8 straight hours.

you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian

Good to hear. I had been looking into them and this was enough to make me pull the trigger. I should get them Saturday.

Good to hear. I had been looking into them and this was enough to make me pull the trigger. I should get them

what if you are not facing the light? I’m thinking it would go on my nightstand which is great if I’m facing the nightstand but if I’m not then what? Extra Z’s I’m guessing.

what if you are not facing the light? I’m thinking it would go on my nightstand which is great if I’m facing the

I *think* the hazard is that flip-flops aren’t really attached to your foot that well. Unlike a sandal that has straps that could go around your heel the flip flop is just sort of there. That’s always been my understanding.