
TEKKEN, Crash Bandicoot and Pokemon!

God damn it, each and every one of these is funny.

Are you trying to be an asshole or does it just come naturally?

You can’t argue with these people. They just hate all art games, no matter what. I wasn’t surprised to see him defending the cop who shot the black behavioral therapist who was laying on the ground with his arms in the air.

It must suck to be so negative all the time.

Dillinger! No other band like ‘em.

Studio Khara is doing the animation but it is being written/directed by other people, Yasuhiro Yoshiura and Kazunori Itō. I don’t think Anno is having much to do with it creatively.

People like you who deny bigotry and sexism at every possible opportunity are some of the worst bigots and sexists there are.

Too busy waging a war on Christmas to answer

What exactly was wrong with her head scarf? How could it possibly be considered unprofessional?

“celebrating Christmas is frowned on.” What fucking world do you live in? Christmas is on literally every TV channel and in every store. I’d expect a sexist weenie like you would also be the type to believe the war on Christmas is a real thing too though.

Sexist dweebs never read the article before commenting.

When they specify that it is “from the team that brought you Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations”, do they really mean “Not the team that brought you Sonic Boom”?

Nathan again with the sick picks! No offense to everybody else, but you got the best taste dawg

I think it took me 12 years to get the “Bigger, Longer and Uncut” pun.

Thanks for the input!

Aaaaah. So it takes the monetary equivalent of the percentage in skins. Got it. Thank you!

I’m confused, if everything at stake on sites like CSGOlotto is skins, then what are they skimming off the top? Is cash somehow at play in the bets too? I think I’m just too dense to understand :(

Anyone who gets that upset over a bear fart to the face is exactly the type of person who needs to have Kuma in the game; critics need to lighten up a little.