
Don’t DS games save on the cartridge?

Metallica’s James Hetfield????

I wonder if it’s really a fan revolt or just an internet whiner whine-off?

“You want to feel female. Go cross dressed or trans gender.”

They know this, but by shifting focus to “actually-existing humans from marginalized background” they make you the bad guy. By saying ‘You should be caring about REAL people!!!’ they are making it seem like you are wasting time by caring about the genders/races/whatever of fictional characters, but I guess they

I dunno, in a climate where almost all video games only give you the option to play as male and often have you rescue women, reversing that sounds kind of progressive to me.

So, nobody is bitching that Link is a boy. Pretty much everybody is fine with Link being male, but the problem people have is that there really is no reason why Link couldn’t be a female. Unlike with every character you mentioned Link is not always the same Link. There are a shitload of Links, reborn and reincarnated

Can you describe the robot?

At this point I’m just copying and pasting the same response to everyone who makes this same bullshit point.

People in America give a shit when the reverse happens (Asian characters being played by white people) because America is pretty diverse and Asians are under represented. Since Japan is like 99% Japanese, you’ll end up with 99% Japanese casts, so nobody’s going to care. How is that hard to understand? America has a

Nah, people in America give a shit when the reverse happens (Asian characters being played by white people) because America is pretty diverse and Asians are under represented. Since Japan is like 99% Japanese, you’ll end up with 99% Japanese casts, so nobody’s going to care.

I fucking love Kate Beaton’s style.

What in blue blazes are you talking about???

Refugees can come from anywhere.

Yeah! What a bunch of leeches!

I can hear a difference, but damn, that is really close.

Rightfully so???? Fucking how????

You’re killing me here, man. Look at your comments vs. other peoples’, who really seems thin-skinned?

Why are pieces of shit like you not greyed out but I am?

I did watch the video, but I played the game too. The Illusive Man is a xenophobe who stands up for ‘human rights’ the same way racists stand up for ‘white rights’. In my comment did I say the video compares Trump to the Illuisve Man?