
So you’re telling me that people only know expensive wine is better than cheap wine when people have told them it is better? Regardless of which you actually think tastes better?

I get so much shit for it, but I drink room temp soda too. I’m elated to learn that not only does at least one other person do that, but apparently all of Europe does too?

I wish to say that as a non-christian nobody really cares.

I can’t believe that asshole would even imply a Chinese takeaway would pay £200 for a cat to sell as food in their restaurant. How much meat does he think they could get off a cat???

What country are you from?

What are some Kinda Funny videos I should watch that will make me wanna watch more?

The Daily Show.

When I was ten or eleven years old I loved that game!

I’m not going to participate in any of these collectible figure tie-in games... until Bandai Namco makes a Gundam one. When that happens all hope is lost.


That’s a photograph??? Of a real place that really exists?? Goddamn, it’s gorgeous.

But nothing happens to the babies... No babies real or virtual die in a babality.

  • Press A: chew bubblegum

Only white people are allowed to be racist, duh! When a different ethnicity does it it is reversed.

“We do a freaky family fun day, and all the kids look in the mirror.”
Oh my fucking god, kids go in that bathroom. That is extremely fucked up.

It would be really cool if they made a Marvel game that varies a little bit from their formula, I am a little wore out of their games at this point.

Same exact story for me as that guy, don't waste your money on one of these. It'll fail by the end of the year.

Same exact story for me as that guy, don't waste your money on one of these. It'll fail by the end of the year.

They may not have to ban anybody at all, looks like all the assholes aren’t even gonna waste their money on a game that will actually punish them for being assholes.
Why can’t the entire internet work this way???