I guess it’s good you can use it to your advantage...
I guess I’ll just add it to the already extremely long list of shitty ‘gamer’ behavior I no longer should be surprised by.
I guess it’s good you can use it to your advantage...
I guess I’ll just add it to the already extremely long list of shitty ‘gamer’ behavior I no longer should be surprised by.
“Years ago I used to be the assistant manager of a Gamestop. As a girl, I dealt with my fair share of shoppers who...”
Hit on her, right. I imagine that would happen a lot.
”...either asked to speak to the guys because they didn’t think I knew what I was talking about...”
DAMN. I never even considered that. What a bunch…
ur just 2 slow
I don’t know soccer/football terms so for a second I thought “Is Ronaldo’s real last name ‘Nutmeg’???”
No campaign, no care. :(
I would love some games that look like Mega Man Legends. Those games are blocky as hell but visually, I think they still look amazing.
Hear hear! I was a little worried he might be redesigned to be ‘dark and edgy’ or something. Very pleased with this.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(
Awww, that sucks. I think the first ten~ minutes of that move kind of perfectly capture what made is movies so good.
I 100% support the 'anything by Satoshi Kon' sentiment. I loved DBZ and Gundam when I was little but I didn't really get into anime until Perfect Blue. Everything he did had a dream-like quality to it that no one else can even touch. R.I.P.
“Finger Butts...”
Do WHAT to butts???
“... Are Hidden Surprises”
Oh thank god
They were sort of like amiibo for the wii u rumble game, except they didn't really do anything at all.
In my opinion the only reason it was such a convenient rallying cry was because it’s self-evidently true, I can’t understand how a movie can be art but a game can’t.
“Video games are not art.”
*person creates video game with political statement*
Man, it's really gross to make a movie about somebody who actually died, seems really tastesless and disrespectful.
But do you believe in the heart of the cards???
I hope it is definitely still happening but it is a live action adaptation of the "Excuuuuuse me, Princess!" cartoon.
*refreshing page all day waiting for "[Update]" to be in title*
Exactly, now that he's no longer working for them they're just gonna act like he didn't make the games? Are they gonna patch him out of Ground Zeroes and Peace Walker?
Don't forget about YUGIOH cards!!!
Those are still really popular, right?!