
Nintendo isn’t known for these types of games. I would buy this for Switch, looks interesting. And it would be a nice contrast to Puyo-puyo x Tetris, Bomberman, the Mario games and Breath of the Wild. Switch is already getting Payday 2 of all things, so why not.

I feel so bad for wanting these even with that pricetag :S. They’d adorn my work-desk no question.

Yes there is. Base code is probably very different. Besides that. Testing and releasing for an outdated version is probably kore costly then it’s worth

Horses are fantasic when you hunt for resources that you have on your radar, but you don’t know where they might be (I found shadow trouts this way for example)

Seems like you didn’t play in English either (What is Champion in English is Chosen one in Dutch). And yeah, the blue outfit seemed to match the Champion outfits like the tunic Link is wearing.

If Seiken Densetsu 3 gets an official translation, then yes having these 3 games is worth it’s 50,- price tag. Seiken Densetsu 3 is IMO one of the greatest games ever made, or at least it’s top contender for best soundtrack in game history.

Hey Photo’s from Iga Ueno, I actually was there in October. Fun place.

While we stopped short of national mourn (he reaches a fine age). Bruna’s end was all over the news here. Everybody here has grown up or is raising their kids on Nijntje.

Well I do agree with you. And pooling some comments online to gauge the broader public opinion is dangerous, but I still wonder at the sell-through rate of the Switch.

Oh man. Imagine the Switch as the prime place for JRPG’s. That would be incredibly welcome. Although carrying the mantle of the PSVita may not be Nintendo’s marketing dream, it would suit me greatly personally. Region-unlocking may be the best feature the Switch has in the long run.

So moderately to pretty positive. The answers on pricing are a bit surprising. Guess it comes from people who understand how much tech the Switch is sporting. (From a technical perspective I’d argue the Switch is cheap too, but the marketplace isn’t doing the Switch any favours).

Which makes me wonder though, how will tethering options be on the Switch. Previous Nintendo devices weren’t exactly open to many routers or devices, so we’ll have to wait and see.

While I tend not to play online, Smash and Mario Kart are the exceptions. And Not only do I not want to hear strangers scream at blue shell incidents, I don’t want people to hear me scream out of annoyed surprise because of blue shell losses

Not going to defend their youtube policies. But their accounts are serviceable and their VC offerings are just that, offerings. Nobody is entitled to anything and besides that, most old games are not property of Nintendo. Games like Final Fantasy III/VI are property of Squeenix for example, so no you can’t fault

Darn it, anytime Iwata pops up I still feel a slight pang of loss. The man was a legend.

Like most times, I bet Iwata was talking about physically networking and connecting with people over this system. The Joycons plus portable nature really encapsulate that idea to me.

And this is a dumb and uninformed reaction to my statement. lol

I wonder how their Switch business will turn out. Bomberman was suprising enough, but there was also that japanese puzzle game that I think was on Kotaku last somewhere last month.

This makes me more sad then it needs to. Next thing you’ll know Nintendo goes all Assasins Creed and locks vital story segments behind dlc. And Nintendo was supposed to be the last bastion of complete games on release. Don’t do this Nintendo, you’ve been in the clear for so long now.