I’ll tell you what they have in stock for us. Nothing, absolutely zero.
It helped that I started with Conquest, which doesn’t have the option to train and as such feels much more streamlined and focussed. I actually put Phoenix mode on for Birthright since I just wanted the story and since I could train I barely cared for any challenge.
Normalization of violence is a key issue. But remember, if you’d like to remedy this, then snarky comments aren’t the answer, thoughtful debate and an open mind is.
Sorry Heather, but seeing the discussions under this article, I’m stealing the comment section here:
Guess I don’t read much from 2D-fans.
While I don’t agree with the sorting, way to go on making this list even though the fan favorites aren’t that high on here.
It’s kind of weird to me that third party support apperantly isn’t dead unless the games you care about are launched for the system.
Alright I’ll bite.
I really loved Fates, but the child mechanic was really dumb
I try to keep those kinds of people out of the equasion. You can never guess an age from any internet commenter. And I’ve been a pretty dumb kid myself. The reasonable arguments for the cases of Switch succes and failure seem to boil down to praises for innovation versus failure to conform to supposed standards.
Zelda is one, a true 3D mario is another. I’m fully on board with your argument. Splatoon, Smash Bros and Pikmin 3 are there though. But I have to agree that the Wii U is missing some key entries in favourite franchises.
FoxKelfonne pretty much summed up my thoughts. But I’d like to add that this still doesn’t mean that your favourite third party will jump ship. The Wii was carried by Wii Sports and Wii Fit. So that kinda proves that third parties aren’t the core of chance of succes for the Switch.
doing a quick bit of Math, there are 76 known Switch games in development. The number of games made by Nintendo is in the single digits. So tell me, how is third party support dead actually?
Solid argument, hats off to you.
I have to disagree. The 3DS and OG DS’s inferiour powers did not reduce it’s succes and there were PSP’s and PSVita’s to compete with.
Good on Nintendo for developing their hardware with external developers in mind. The big but here is that the tooling isn’t the sole perp in not attracting third party developers. After all, their handheld line attracted plenty of third parties regardless.
If they shoehorn another darn kid mechanic, there will be blood!
I was a tad disappointed about the support convo’s, but was it really game-breaking to you?
Yes, yes you are. Path or Radiance on Gamecube is the series high-point and it’s sequel Radiant Dawn on Wii is fantastic.